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17 results found

  1. Allow multiple funders for Internal Opportunities

    Internal opps can be co-funded to promote collaboration between institutions. For example two university will promote a scheme where each institution funds their own researcher under a join application.

    It would be beneficial to be able to add multiple funders to an internal opp in order to accurately detail the opportunity.

    A further enhancement would be able to have internal opps shown to the multiple funders, if they are also subscribed to Pivot-RP.

    4 votes
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  2. Please let us choose timing for sending newsletter

    Hi Pivot-RP Team,

    Could you please allow us to specify more delivery times for sending newsletters. The system allows us to send newsletters at two USA time zones which coincides with 9pm and 4am Australia time, hence it lowers visibility counts by users. Therefore we need to send newsletters during working hours of Australian timing zone.


    6 votes
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  3. 1 vote
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  4. Allow administrators to hand pick the first 15 opps that show up in newsletter searches/lists

    It would be useful if administrators could individually select the first 15 opportunities in searches/lists that appear on newsletters (as only the first 15 opportunities show up). Right now, you can filter searches by deadline, funding amount, etc - allowing personalized selection would go well with these options. Thank you for your consideration!

    6 votes
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  5. Schedule weekly emails differently

    I would like to change the schedule of weekly alerts, for example, instead of firing during the weekend, I would like to receive it in other days during the week. Is there any way to control the weekly email digest?

    1 vote
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  6. Newsletters

    It would be great if Newsletters had increased customization options. For example, a great function would be to customize the curated opps content. I'd like to remove/move curated opps from outgoing Newsletters. For example, I have worked on curating a set of funding opps with various deadlines. When I add the curated list to the Newsletter, I don't have the ability to remove opps from displaying on the Newsletter - say that I only want to show opps with deadlines in Q2 for a Spring Newsletter, so that I'm only displaying a handful of results rather than the entire list.…

    2 votes
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  7. Limitation Indicator in Announcements list

    In the list of Announcements include Ltd or ICR as this informs admins when to announce allowing for the extra time needed to run internal competitions.

    3 votes
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  8. Disable "Funding News for [Name]" Heading in Newsletter

    Whenever sending out a newsletter, there’s a “Funding News for [name]” heading at the top of the email. It would be great if there could be an option to create a more specific title (or get rid of the heading entirely). If these newsletters are being sent and forwarded to various groups, the reference to one person's name is misleading (even if the heading and custom message is personalized).

    3 votes
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  9. Anticipated/ Confirmed options for Internal Awards

    Currently, there's no way to define an internal award as an anticipated deadline (other than in deadline notes). I would like to see Internal Opps function like External Opps so that in the search list it's clearly defined as either Anticipated or Confirmed deadline, and can even be filtered as such like the external awards are.

    18 votes
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  10. Import publications/integration

    Develop a way to integrate with additional tools such as Digital Measures. Our faculty use that program much more extensively than they do ORCID and it would be nice to be able to import their publications from that system.

    3 votes
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  11. Create a search widget for Profiles to add to websites

    Like funding opportunities has a widget, have a widget available for faculty to search for collaborators that admins can embed into websites.

    25 votes
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  12. Multiple Editing/Management Rights for Internal Grants

    Right now, only the person who added an internal grant can delete or edit that opportunity. Anyone else with full administrative rights in Pivot cannot manage the internal grant opportunities added by others. This creates a problem when that person leaves the job that bore the responsibility of adding those internal grants, thus requiring that all those opportunities must be deleted and added to another administrative account. It would be a great help to allow anyone with full administrative rights the ability to manage all internal grants.

    16 votes
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  13. Archive saved searches for more than 1 month.

    It would be nice to have a 2-3 month archiving ability.

    1 vote
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  14. List users by college or department

    I'd like to be able to sort my list of users (as listed under User Accounts and New Accounts) by College so that we can track activity by College.

    19 votes
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  15. Admin account matrix

    I would like an overall Admin account matrix where all of the admins could be listed down one column and then all of the access categories could be boxes that can be check/unchecked on one screen instead of having to pull up each admin account individually to change or update access.

    5 votes
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  16. Usage Report Expansion

    From my perspective as an admin, it would be helpful to see a report that contains the highest frequency searches by opportunity and type of opportunity (foundation, federal, etc.). Not necessarily linked to an account but this would be useful because we want to be able to separate what faculty are interested in from research administrator searches.”

    33 votes
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  17. Customized templates or settings for emails sent from Pivot

    I'd like to customize the emails that get sent to a user when I create an account for them, or when I mark something with an internal deadline, etc.

    18 votes
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