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32 results found
Expand the number of opportunities shown in email alerts
Please expand email funding alerts to include all the new opportunities found rather than just a few and making us click on a bigger results page to see the rest? I often get through email on my phone when I don't have internet access but cannot complete processing these alerts until I am at a computer, even if I am not interested in any of the titles.
26 votes -
Include internal deadlines in Calendar view
The Calendar feature is great. Would be better if it included the internal deadlines we add as well as the agencies' deadlines.
24 votes -
Highlight NEW curated opportunities in Newsletters
It would be helpful for our researchers who receive multiple newsletters if there was a way to highlight opportunities that have been newly added to each week's newsletter. For example, the option of a "NEW" tag that only stays live for one week. This increases the value of the newsletter and decreases the time required for researchers to note relevant content.
18 votes -
Provide tracked opps the same features as saved searches
Provide tracked opportunities the same features and functionality of a saved search. This means including the names of the funders in addition to the program grant name and allowing users to drill down to get more specific lists such as "Deadline Certainty," "Funding Types," "Funder Types," etc.
15 votes -
Search criteria should specify the LOI date. If LOI date has past, the proposal dates don't matter!
If we are able to specify a date range that is specific to the LOI, then we can generate RFAs that the PI is eligible to apply for in that date range. As it is now, when we specify a date range, the results indicate proposal dates that fall w/in that range which are irrelevant if you missed the LOI date.
11 votes -
Funding opp matches to profiles at institution
When viewing a specific opp, and you select the option at the right side where it matches to "# from inside your institution," allow us the "Refine Search" option on the results page, the same way we do on a profile or funding search.
10 votes -
Carry across formatting
For generic notes specific to internal processes and applicable to all annotated opportunities, it would be helpful if the desired formatting (bold, bullet points, and hyperlinks if possible) could carry across in cut and paste. As it is, for every entry, we have to redo all the formatting and hyperlinks in a tiny box which is very fiddly and time-consuming.
8 votes -
Filter grant opportunities *after* they have been Tracked and/or shared to a Curated List
The filters available when performing searches in Pivot-RP are very detailed and helpful; however, I (and the researchers at my department) also need to be able to filter the grant opportunities after they have been Tracked and/or shared to a Curated List. For example, if several hundred opportunities are being tracked, shared, and compiled into lists, the ability to filter these by the same search filters available, that is, Funder, Amount, Deadlines (with options of selecting "7 days from today", "14 days", "30 days", "90 days", "180 days", or the customizable "Select from calendar" option), Limited Submission, Applicant/Institution Location, Activity…
6 votes -
Search criteria to include 'confirmed' opportunities
With large multi-disciplinary institutes particularly, it would be good if the search itself could contain the requirement to only show confirmed opportunities (those that the rounds dates are confirmed by the funder), as opposed to having to filter post the search.
This would be particularly good for searches associated with newsletters, as then the list is not hundreds to thousands of currently irrelevant opportunities when there are plenty of confirmed opportunities to focus on.
Additionally this would allow for a search to be set-up for anticipated opportunities, above a certain value that are worth being prepared for.
6 votes -
6 votes
Default Search List to 200
Default search or tracked opps results-list to 200 opportunities, rather than 25, so that one can easily scroll through the full list quickly, rather than taking the extra step to choose the larger list. What's the purpose of having a "short" page, rather than simply showing the max?
6 votes -
Add the capability to save searches from paper invited
Add the option to save papers invited search results in similarity to pivot funding search save.
5 votesThis is on our roadmap, with exact functionality still TBD.
Collaboration Connection
PIVOT users can "Opt In" to be identified (in their profile) as a potential collaborator to be contacted for specific solicitations or as part of a broader research topic.
5 votes -
Display funder name in calendar view
The calendar view would be more useful if the funder name was displayed on the label with the award name. For instance, I want to create a calendar with major early career awards but the majority have generic names like "young investigator award" or "new faculty award." Someone had asked for a similar update to enable this feature in the details view, but it would be optimal to have the names on the labels too, before opening up the details view.
4 votes -
Auto hyperlinks to URL for More Information within Excel Sheets
I've recently been exporting selections from my curated lists to Excel sheets. However, the "URL for More Information" field does not immediately work for me or for other administrators who have "tested" it. We have to juggle between clicking on the opportunity Sponsor column and the More Information column to finally get it to somehow hypelink. It's frustrating and time consuming to say the least. Can this be scheduled as an enhancement for users?
4 votes -
Make 'Subject' in emails from pivot-trackedalert@proquest.com specific rather than generic
When university admin adds/updates university specific information e.g. deadline or Note, an email is sent from pivot-trackedalert@proquest.com. Emails sent out from this email address all have the same generic subject 'Update from Pivot-RP'.
When an email is sent from pivot-no-reply@proquest.com (following an opportunity updated by Pivot-RP), the subject line includes the name of the funder eg 'Updated Funding Opportunity - American Heart Association (AHA)'
Is there some way to edit the subject so that emails advising on an internal update also pick up the scheme name?
Without some information as to what has been updated the emails are not…
4 votes -
Ability to choose whether to explode on a per-keyword basis when searching on multiple terms
For example, we often work with postdocs looking for fellowships where we create 2 search strategies, “broad” and “narrow”, to get around this, but a single search would be preferable.
The “broad” search uses "Health and Medicine" no-explode to find general opps such as:
Research Fellowships
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Keyword: Health and MedicineThen a “narrow” search for the researcher’s specific topic such as exploded keyword “Blood Disorders” to find targeted opps such as:
HTRS/Novo Nordisk Clinical Scholar Award (CSA)
Hemostatis and Thrombosis Research Society (HTRS)
keyword: Hemophilia4 votes -
Please make the Notes field expandable so that more of note can be viewed.
The scrolling function for the small amount of visible text is extremely sensitive which makes editing in a long note very difficult.
3 votes -
Add "First Published At" to search criteria.
Allows the user an Advanced Search option to search by the First Published At date or date range.
3 votes -
Export publications
Functionality to export all publications from a faculty profile.
3 votes
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