Newsbank article level linking in CZ e-collections
Please explore adding article level linking via the parser used by NewsBank CZ e-collections? Currently they offer only journal level linking.
For example the linking for
NewsBank (Newsbank Access World News Research Collection 2021 Edition)
Type: Selective package
Services: Full Text (Available)
Interface name: Newsbank
Linking Level: Journal
LOCAL E-COLLECTION ID: 6131937990005877
GLOBAL E-COLLECTION ID: 615410000000000481
Parser Bulk::JKEY
Parser parameters url=
Can the webhook and other NewsBank related information could assist your colleagues in writing a specific parser for NewsBank e-collections ? More info on webhook facilitated
article level linking via a Primo VE search index.
Thank you for considering enhancing the linking level.
Denise Green, CARLI

After thorough discussions we concluded there is no sustainable way to add article level linking in CDI for NewsBank.
The Webhook solution would be the best way to retrieve these results.
Kind regards,
AdminTamar Ganor (Admin, Ex Libris) commented
We still haven't found the best way to create the deep links, but we are working with Newsbank to improve the linking.
I hope we will find a final solution soon and release the parser update, we will update this idea once we make progress.
Kind regards,
Tamar -
Charlie Remy commented
Denise Green, CARLI Illinois commented
Tamar, the request is not for CDI coverage. Please modify (or create a new parser) so the linking level for e-collection is article. Currently it is periodical title/journal.
This frustrates our users and librarians to identify an article but not get a link that goes to the article in Alma/Primo VE link resolving.
Thanks for examining this.
Denise Green -
Liz Hollendonner commented
The problem isn't finding the article in a PrimoVE search. The problem is that clicking on the link in PrimoVE does not take the patron to the actual article. Instead they are taken to a landing page and have to navigate to the article, which is not intuitive and creates barriers that are unnecessary with current technology levels.