Define content types non-exclusively
Define content types non-exclusively, i.e., allow multiple content type definitions to apply to a single resource -- for example, the same resource might be both a "catalog" and a "book." Defining it as a "catalog" should not mean it is excluded in a search limited to "books."

James Blake commented
I can't work out if this would be helpful for us so, if implemented, I'd like it to be optional. Certainly if we did included dissertations within the book category, we'd still want our users to be able to search specifically for dissertations as well.
Virginia Dearborn commented
It would be very helpful for the Book/eBook content type filter (and related refinements) to include "conference proceeding", "manuscript" and "Dissertation/Thesis". Examples from our library include:
"The Finality of the Gospel"
What you see at the top of this filtered search is a "Best Bet" that I created manually to improve discoverability:and "Shadows of the Soul"
Virginia Dearborn commented
I agree. It would be very helpful for the Book/eBook content type filter (and related refinements) to include "conference proceeding", "manuscript" and "Dissertation/Thesis". Examples from our library include:
"The Finality of the Gospel"
What you see at the top of this filtered search is a "Best Bet" that I created manually to improve discoverability:and "Shadows of the Soul"
Arianna Schlegel commented
This is also of very high priority for us! Especially the Music Library, as mentioned below.
Amy Edmonds commented
This is a critical issue for music materials. CDs often come with a booklet or libretto, and scores sometimes come with an accompanying CD.
Lucy Clifford commented
We'd like this. It would give the option to create local collections, to aid discoverability. For example, we'd like to have a facet for theses created by members of our institution, as we're regularly asked how to find these, but we don't want to exclude these items from the general 'thesis' facet.