Improved Citation Alert Management Functionality for UI
It would streamline the workflow significantly if Citation Alert Notes which are represented by the green dot in the Reading List View could include what contents of the Note actually are. This would save the workflow 3 extra clicks into the citation to edit it, checking the Notes Tab and having to then back out again to the Reading List. There is also significant work in having to clear an Alert once seen and or action, where the staff member has to select the citation, scroll to the top of the list, choose the Actions Menu, and select the Remove Alerts option. It would be much simpler and faster for the Alert to simply be removed when a staff member selects the Alerts Tab. Once they have selected the Alerts Tab, the Alert and its contents are then seen, the Alert is cleared, and the staff member can act on the Alert before moving on. Even allowing Alerts to just be cleared from the … More Options menu for that citation would be a great improvement.
See an example of where Note content could be displayed to the user in the attached.
Available in March release
Christoffer Naustdal commented
I agree to this. With the expression for alerts to be automatically(?) removed. If you can't fix it at the moment. It may be hard to find back to the alert. Instead, it could be a button to the right hand side of the alert, that says "Remove alert".
Chris Jones commented
Agree this would be a big improvement. Previously had cases in around the handling of clearing notes, especially since the Sept 17 release to defaulting to active.
Handling them is a little tricky!(00501617/00501618).Don't know whether others have found this, but also a bit unfortunate that the Alma/Course Reserve terminology about Citation Notes (Library Discussions) is a bit confusing here too, as would be easier for library staff to pick our the latest reply if, as you show, a discussion note also displayed the content.