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12 results found

  1. New UI - allow institutions to hide "Hide from students/student note/due date" from *all* citation views

    In the June 2024 release we were given the option to hide the "Hide from students/student note/due date" (in any combination) from the quick edit view of a citation. But, regardless of the setting you choose, all the options are still visible in the full details/citation URL view of a citation.

    We would like to hide the "Hide from students" option everywhere to stop instructors from hiding citations. We find that instructors forget to unhide items, or don't unhide them in enough time for students to access items (especially disabled students who need time to request alternative formats).

    We'd like…

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  2. Display Public Access Model message in Leganto

    At UNSW, we use portfolio’s Public Access Model to indicate if an eBook has unlimited or restricted access. The same message also shows in Primo so users are aware of the conditions before accessing eBooks.

    We believe the information will also benefit our Leganto users, but unfortunately, the message doesn’t display in Leganto, so we would like to propose the idea of displaying the Public Access Model message in Leganto.

    We raised a case with Ex Libris, but they said it is not part of their current development work plan.

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  3. Add Unpaywall full text availability in Leganto

    We have enabled links to Unpaywall in Primo VE with the "enableopenaccessservicesfromunpaywallapi" setting in Config->Fulfillment->General->Other Settings. However, these links don't appear in Leganto, only Primo. I opened a case with Support [#00984855] and they confirm that this is the expected behaviour: the Unpaywall Open Access API service is presently only available through Primo.

    Our Leganto users would benefit from having Ex Libris add Unpaywall full text availability to Leganto, so that they could easily see these resources are available. Some Leganto users would see the "Full text not available" and not use the resource…

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  4. Improve functionality of Courses API

    We use the Courses API to load units from our Learning Management System into Alma/Leganto. We would also like to use it to roll over reading lists, however, it is missing key functionality that we require for our workflows.
    Because of this we have to manually roll over lists. During peak times this is a weekly job and takes up an undue amount of staff time.
    The 2 main improvements we would like to see are:
    -Addition of Write functionality for Tags: We rollover citation tags and this is not supported by the API.
    -Citation Copyright: When trying to create…

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  5. Instructor role - view reading list status from Leganto

    With the instructor role, the reading list status is not displayed when working on the list from Leganto.
    We find it very necessary for the instructor to know at all times what state the reading list is in so that when the process is finished, he can publish the list. We ask that this privilege be included in the instructor role.

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  6. Showing "Related Items" to student users

    Please allow to shown the "related Items" to student users. A Professor just told us that he found it should be useful to students but his students are not able to see this part.

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  7. Notification function for Library Staff

    To add the notification function for Library Staff to notify the Library Staff by email if the citations have the following changes:

    • A tag was added to an item
    • A tag was removed from an item
    • A comment was added to a citation
    • A submit lists by date was added to your course
    • New library discussion in citation
    • The due date was updated in an item
    • A new item was added to a list
    • Item status marked as complete
    • Item status marked as declined
    • You have joined a reading list as a collaborator
    • Reading list was deleted
    • List was rolled…
    21 votes

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  8. Custom Analytics 'Reports' within Leganto interface for instructors

    Currently the 'Reports' link (attached) in Leganto just links to an 'out the box' analytics dashboard displaying a range of usage information.

    It would be useful to be able to define a path to our own Analytics dashboard in an Alma code table, e.g. in Fulfilment > Leganto > Customer Settings.

    Our analytics report would be set to receive filters/parameters from Leganto, i.e. reading list codes.

    Academic engagement forms a significant part of the work we do with reading lists, so being able to be flexible and responsive to their needs/wishes in terms of usage of their lists would definitely…

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  9. Allow Instructors to make students collaborators on specific reading lists

    From feedback we received from Instructors, they would like the ability to add students as collaborators on specific reading lists. This would enable course students to collaborate on the compilation of materials and sharing of comments on them as part of learning and research activities.
    To date it seems the ability to add students as collaborators is limited to Alma-side changes - see the idea which was added to production in May 2018 in

    We can see there may be data privacy concerns from some 'free searching' of users without a role, but wondered whether either the LTI aspect…

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  10. Add course context to notifications in Leganto

    Currently (March 2018) notifications in Leganto don't really provide any course context, or grouping on the basis of course, e.g.
    "- A new item was added to a list
    New item added to the reading list [list name]
    [User] added [title details]"

    which means that for users with many courses (students or instructors), and with several lists for a course, the context of what has really been added to where is quite confusing, or at least not very useful since the viewer has no real sense of what the change aplies to, rather they can only see the fact of…

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  11. Show availability in results list when searching library catalog (instructor)

    Instructors should see results when they search so they know if copies are available, from their library/branch, and to be able to check a link from the search level to see if it's the one they want (so they don't have to go back and delete if not).

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  12. Academic Departments - add field for Faculty/School

    Academic Departments within institutions often sit under Faculty or School groups. This is currently not represented in Alma or Leganto. Could we have a new (optional) field added for School/Faculty both to the Academic Department area and have it available in Analytics.

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    We will add a field to the course record in Alma, reportable in Analytics, for the faculty/school. It could be used for reporting purposes but not for discovery purposes. In other words, you will be able to pull list usage by faculty/school, but end users will not be able to browse by faculty/school. 

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