Add library location name and/or code to advanced search options
I'd like to submit for reconsideration an idea that was posted back in 2020 but which unfortunately didn't receive enough votes to be considered for future development at that time. My own library has only been using Primo VE since May 2024, so we didn't get a chance to vote for the original post.
The previous post is at:
The earlier post was limited to adding the library location name as an advanced search drop-down filter. I'm expanding it somewhat here as a request to add library location name and/or location code as filter options. This is something we had in our previous system and it was enormously helpful for things like creating search result sets based on shelving location and then sharing those sets with patrons.
Thanks everyone for (re)considering.

Manu_Schwendener commented
Plus 20 votes from the idea Rick links to, plus 8 from