Unpaywall - displaying both GETPDF and Interloan links for some resources
This suggestion has been logged at the suggestion of Ex Libris in response to our Salesforce Ticket #07049766 .
Unpaywall content sometimes displays both GETPDF and "Interloan" links. This confuses users, who regard the Interloan link as the safer option, and place an interloan request when they can directly access the PDF full text via the GETPDF link.
There are overhead costs to managing this problem and redirecting the users to the correct link.
Example record in Primo VE with both GETPDF and "Interloan" links:
Ex Libris has reviewed this case and requested that it be placed in the Idea Exchange to gather additional input from the wider community and to decide on the scheduling of a fix.
Your endorsement and support will be warmly welcomed.
Thank you
Ngā mihi
Brenda Norton
Brenda Norton RLIANZA | Library Systems and Discovery Librarian |
Systems and Integration Development | Te Pātaka Kōrero |Phone +64 4 463 6185 | E-mail Brenda.Norton@vuw.ac.nz
Stacey van Groll commented
Is this asking for an enhancement to hide the Resource Sharing Service if the site has enabled Unpaywall PDF links, and the record shows both?
Generally my understanding is that this only happens when the site hasn't also enabled the Unpaywall collection for full text links, and then the API to show the Unpaywall PDF link is returning a result but the CDI collection is a little bit behind in being up to date.
The example isn't returning a result.
I am also wondering why this is referring to "scheduling of a fix" when defects should not be added to Idea Exchange, which is for enhancements.