purchase request form - expand where option of auto-populated form can appear
Currently with Purchase Request forms, if there is already a physical copy in stock, depending on the display logic rules set up - the purchase request form link will appear (useful for librarians wanting more copies) this will auto populate the form. However this will only appear when there is a physical copy as it appears in the get it section of the full record view.
For items available only electronically, I can add a GES to allow librarians to go to the blank purchase request form, but it won't auto populate.
This doesn't give parity or a similar experience for ALL of the content. As I also can't hide the purchase request link without affecting access to the blank form using a direct link - meaning that there isn't even another option to create consistency by removing the link.
Suggestion - Create a function where the purchase request form link will appear for electronic items (when display logic rules allow) AND it autopopulates the form. AND allow libraries to suppress the in record link to the form whilst making the blank form accessibly directly through a link.