Make is possible to display Available From Date and Available To Date to users in Primo
The "Control the Availability of Portfolios Automatically at a Pre-defined Date" feature, introduced in the February 2023 release (, allows libraries to enter an Available From Date and Available To Date in portfolios, and the portfolio will be automatically deactivated after the Available To Date. This feature is designed to be useful in cases where libraries lease a piece of content (typically, a streaming film) for a limited period of time.
In this Idea, we suggest that we should be able to display the Available From Date and Available To Date to end users in Primo. This is important because faculty, students, and librarians need to know when a leased film is available to them and when it will expire. This should be a systemwide display option so each library could choose whether or not to display the Available From Date and Available To Date in Primo.
Currently, in all our leased titles, we are entering the availability dates in portfolio coverage date fields to display the availability dates to end users (we're doing this because coverage dates are the only portfolio date fields that display in Primo). Entering the dates in two different sets of fields is redundant work that should not be necessary.