Display both active (payable) AND accruing fines/fees at Fine+fees tab of a user’s account
Fines+fees tab of a user’s account does not show the balance of the accruing fines. Fines+fees tab doesn’t include the information of the loans that have accruing fines on them, and this confuses clients. They should be able to see this information easily and understand the difference between active and accruing fines.
We propose that Fine+fees tab of a user’s account should display the total amount of active and accruing balance; the active (payable) balance with the Pay button beside it and the accruing balance. We also wish that the fine type of the loans that have accruing fines would be "Accruing". To illustrate the difference between these two, the following text could be shown on the tab: "Active balance is the sum that you can pay immediately; accruing balance can be paid only after you have either renewed or returned the loans in question. Current fines balance is the sum of active and accruing balance."
We also wish that the previous specification of balance (total-active-accruing) would be visible on the Overview tab along with the current "Pay fine" button.
Please see the attached document. There is a related idea that has already been accepted on Alma's Idea exchange: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/308173-alma/suggestions/44219130-display-both-active-payable-and-accruing-fines-f

Patricia Farnan commented
I can't remember if I had voted for this before all my votes disappeared (account got deleted somehow), but I'm out of votes now. Still would love to see this developed.