Deliver more accurate faceting of search results by improved use of PNX metadata
Can Ex Libris please look into a system whereby one content type can be privileged over another, supporting more accurate faceting of search results.
We recently discovered a number of CDI records incorrectly displayed the generic TEXT RESOURCE label for journal articles. It seems these records have been supplied by third party suppliers whose policies dictate that their metadata will not be updated, even upon request (
In many cases the PNX metadata provided indications as to what these really were, even though the allocated resource type was TEXT RESOURCE.
View search results:,contains,asthma&tab=all&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=64VUW_INST:VUWNUI&facet=rtype,include,text_resources&offset=0
View PNX examples:,contains,asthma&facet=rtype,include,text_resources&offset=0&showPnx=true
- includes article title and journal title
<jtitle>Smart Engage. Diseases & Conditions</jtitle>
If this information could be repurposed to privilege journal articles content type over more general content types in the same logical record, that might make it possible to alter this display on a large scale without impacting records which are correctly labelled as text resources.

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