add abstracts scanning in scrolling view
When Primo (now Promo VE) switched from a book catalog interface to a journal (Central Index) database interface, one new functionality was desired/required by researchers.
The ability to toggle on/off viewing Abstracts in the results is an important option for real-time exploration. Many scholars perform a preliminary scan of titles to remove obvious non-matches, but they then prefer to view the abstracts from
possibly important materials before downloading items into their personal databases. What is missing is the ability to select scrolling through records with the abstracts in view. This could either be added as an option on the initial Display Records view or from the Pinned records options. It would be much preferred on the initial display screen, as this would remove one round of selection effort. Almost all other journal index search tools have this option.
David Stern
Director of Libraries
Saint Xavier University
Warde Academic Center, L228
3700 West 103rd Street
Chicago, IL. 60655

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