Show the terms added to the patron's query by the linguistic features (i.e. stemming, synonyms etc.)
As default behavior, Primo not only looks for the patron's query, but enriches the original keywords of the user with additional terms, in order to improve the performance.
The system first tries to guess the language of the query, and then tries to enrich it, using a variety of steps described in the Linguistic Features section of the documentation:
For example, a query for the string: Birne
if recognised as German, is enriched with following synonyms (dictionary file as to March 2017):
The point is that the whole thing is a blackbox for both the librarian and the patrons. There is no way to know how the orignal query was processed, which terms were added and what was actually searched.
It would be a good enhancement to provide a) to the user i the Front End brief additional information about the terms actually searched, to make the process transparent and understandable b) to the systems librarians extended information about about the terms actually searched, to allow a better understanding of the process and a chance to set up properly the related Search Engine Configurations, the user synonyms etc.

Luigi Siciliano commented
Two closely related ideas are:
new option/checkbox: "expand my results with synonyms" the same enriched query (stemming, synonyms, etc) to both local index and Primo Central PC index ( important for blended search )
There is also a thread in the Primo ML having as subject:
[Primo] query enrichment is applied by default and is a bit a black box - need for improvements to linguistic features