Export to reference management systems
Export of Primo records through e-shelf to various reference management systems (like Endnote, RIS export) is limited to a maximum of 30 records. We'd like this maximum set to 500 or more.

We would like to share that this functionality is already supported in the new Primo interface.
Stacey van Groll commented
I queried after the limit in a case and was advised that 200 is the officially supported limit.
I asked for this to be documented, and it's added as: "Although there is no limit to the number of records that you can select, attempting to export more than 200 records at a time is not supported."
https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Documentation/Primo/End_User_Help_-_New_UI/Saving_and_Managing_Records#Exporting_RecordsI have tested this though and have successfully exported over 800 records, but it can take a long time to generate the file and can randomly fail to fetch the records for no determined reason per my case.
So I think Ex Libris chose a much more conservative number to document officially, lest there be complaints when it does not work.
Stacey van Groll commented
I'm also interested in knowing the limit. Can a reference be provided to where it is documented?
I can't find any mention in the documentation for the New UI on improved functionality to remove the limit.
This is definitely an improvement which would be great to communicate well with the community as a strong benefit of transitioning to the New UI.
This End User Help page for My Favorites for the New UI doesn't even mention the export option, even though it's the only way in Primo to export more than 1 record at a time: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Documentation/050New_Primo_User_Interface/End_User_Help/050Using_My_Favorites
This idea should also probably be closed as well: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/308176-primo/suggestions/11011749-increase-number-of-citations-that-can-be-pushed-to
Cheers, Stacey van Groll, University of Queensland -
Gary Kaplan commented
What is the new maximum?
Hilde Flaatten commented
30 records is very few when doing a thoroughly search on a topic. It is inconvenient to export the references in several operations. I would very much like to have the possibility to export 500 at once.