Holdingsfile should take into account the holdings of physical items
In our Primo we have set up that only articles that you have access to is presented in the first result-list, but that you can remove this filter by checking the tick box on the left to include result that you do not have access to.
Currently only the holdingf for electronic journals are taken into account. If the library has only the physical journal the article will not be part of the first search result. It will look like the library does not have this article, when the truth is that the user could get it in print.
The holdingsfile used by Primo should be expanded to also include the holdings of print journals.

Anonymous commented
I agree that the Primo holdings file should include print journals. When loading holdings during Primo searches, It would be helpful if physical holdings and their dates were verified in Alma and only displayed in Primo when there's a match. For example, the systems don't currently match an article's date in a PCI record against physical holdings so physical holdings could display as available even though they don't match the article date. This is confusing to our users since they might think we have an article in a print journal when we really don't. In summary, Primo records should only display print holdings for an article when the dates match.