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27 results found
Show / Hide Email Type and Address Type values (e.g. Alternative etc.) from Register New User menu
It would be useful if we could show or hide some Email Type and Address Type values (e.g. Alternative etc.) from the Register New User menu.
Actually those values sometimes generate problems in our API connecting Alma with our Human Resources system. But in general making them disappear could help in making the form for registering a new user more customizable and, if needed, simpler.3 votesIt is now possible to configure the fields that appear in the Patron Registration and the Edit User Info (from the Manage Patron Services page) forms in Alma.
The new option makes it possible to configure a form that is fine-tuned to the library's needs and manages only the information the library wants to manage.
For more information see August Release Notes
New Label "Invoice" for Address Types
We would like to have the possibility to choose a specific label "Invoice" as address type. This would be used for institutional accounts as some of them have an additional Invoice address which is different than the "Home" one. Having such a label could be used for harvesting data to an external billing application.
Thank you very much!108 votes -
Add Expiry Date as optional field to display in Profile Role list
We depend on Profiles (Config > User Management > Profiles) to assign multiple roles to many new student hires each semester. We set all student roles to expire at the end of each semester and renew roles each semester for returning workers. We started adding Expiry Dates to roles in frequently-used student Profiles to gain efficiency. We must update the Expiry Dates in each role in a profile in advance of the next round of student staff onboarding. Profiles that are applied less frequently do not get this Role-Expiry Date treatment.
The problem is that the Profile Roles list display…
3 votes“Expiry Date” has been added as new column to User Profile’s Roles page.
As of July Release -
Make "Manage Users" table sortable by all headings.
The "Manage Users" table is sortable by a few columns but not by all. Add the ability to sort by the columns that aren't sortable yet:
User Group
Expiration Date
NotesThis will make that table much more useful and easier to work with.
4 votesAs of Alma May Release:
Alma enables the User List to be sorted by User Group, Purge Date and Expiration Date. When using the advanced search, a set can be created to include multiple user groups. These groups or the expiry/purge date can now be sorted. The purge date column is hidden by default and can be added to the displayed columns.
For More information please see Alma May Release Notes: -
Disable autofill for fields in user details screen
It is apparently possible to mark fields to not allow autofill:
This is what should be done for the fields on the user management screen that cause issues. Specifically the Primary identifier and Pin fields: fields would seldom if ever, need to be filled with the Alma employee users saved info.
The current suggestion of just turning off autofill for the browser is not adequate: votesThis was identified as a defect that was resolved as part of Alma July release
To add the "primary identifier" to the export list of the user set
We would like to add the "primary identifier" to the export list of the user set.
We will use the excel file with "primary identifier" to establish the User set, but not all the primary identifier can be loaded into the user set. So
We would like to add the "primary identifier" to the export list of the user set in order that we could know which primary identifier can not be loaded into the User set.198 votesIt is now possible to include primary identifiers as part of the exported list when using Alma's Export option from the user list. An Extended Export option will generate an Excel file similar to the existing "all fields" export, adding the primary ID as a column.
for more information please see Alma January RN
Advanced search option for Users search
Create an advanced search for Users search, just like for physical titles / items. In this search, make it possible to search (for instance) users with specific roles or job categories, identifiers starting with specific prefixes, users with different kinds of blocks, users with outstanding loans or requests, etc, and the possibility to combine these.
128 votesAs of July release you can search for users by combining search criteria, using Alma advanced search. This is available only to users with the roles and privileges to search for users.
For more information please see -
Welcome Letter for the new patron profiles automatically or manually created
With our previous library system, Aleph, we were able to send a customized Welcome Letter to the patrons whose profiles had been created either automatically or manually.
The Welcome Letter allowed us to promote the library services to an audience that was often not sufficiently informed.
There is no such a possibility in Alma.
It could be great if, daily or weekly, a job identifies the brand new patrons and sends them a highly customizable letter.
7 votesThis has been delivered in the December 2020 release..
Have the option to send emails to the user’s preferred address or send it to all of the user’s addresses on their account instead.
Sometimes the “preferred addresses” imported from SIS is not the address users frequently uses, they could potentially miss important notifications and cause disputes.
177 votesNow Alma can send emails to multiple recipients simultaneously, for example emails addressed to under-aged patrons can also be sent to their legal guardians. To enable this, Alma now supports a new type of email “CC address” for public and staff type users only. When an email is sent to the patron, it is sent to all of the CC addresses, in addition to the address that is marked as Preferred.
For more information, please see October Release Notes: -
Prevent change of fields due to synchronization when running a Update/Notify Users job on a set
When updating one user manually, we get a notice where we can confirm that some fields (amongst others: campus, rs libraries and user group) are not to be overwritten by the next user synchronization.
When updating users in a set running the Update/Notify Users job in Alma, the same choice of prevention is not presented. Hence leaving some fields to be changed back in the next synchronization.
We experienced this running a job changing campus, RS library and user group on a set of users. The first two fields did not change back in the synchronization. The latter did.
258 votesRunning the Update/Notify Users job with ‘Added/changed field’ set to ‘Internal’ makes the user group/title/campus changes not be overridable by the SIS load.
Provide clear indication on failed "Primo Login Using Email"
"Primo Login Using Email" is a recently added feature in Alma to manage users that weren't in any external IdP. Alma would not need to manage password for those users and send them a one-time link to login to Primo. However, I discover that there are problems with the implementation of Email Login. When patron account has blocks that wouldn't allow them to log in, e.g. expired, Alma just simply not generate any email. It won't even give patron any error message like "login failed". It leaves patrons wondering why they did not receive any email. Ex Libris should add…
3 votes -
Add a Preferred Name field to the Alma user record
Alma should have a field, in addition to the first name, for the preferred name.
Our campus allows users to specify a preferred name, for various reasons. And this preferred name is what is used on physical ID cards.
We are working on getting preferred name into Alma, but because there is not a field explicitly available for this data, we'll likely store it in the First name field.
We'd prefer if Preferred name had it's own field, and think this would be a relatively easy change for Ex Libris to make.
175 votesUser Preferred Name is now available as part of Alma February release.
The Alma user profile was expanded to include parameters for a user’s preferred name. The API and SIS options for creating and updating users also include the user’s preferred name. These parameters are indexed and searchable with the Users search option. System notifications and letters that incorporate name information can be updated to use a user’s preferred name. In a future release, display options will be provided.
For more information please see: -
Create a read only role for course reserves area.
It would be very helpful if a read only role could be created within Alma to allow groups of staff to see, but not edit, course reserves data.
8 votesAs part of the April 2019 release, anew user role, Course Reserves Viewer role provides read-only access to reading lists and citations in Alma, see
User record list of roles should display Expiration Date -- not Status Date
In the display of Roles for a given user, displaying the Status Date (when the Role was created or last edited) is virtually useless. Much more valuable would be to instead display the Expiration Date for that Role. This is something that we must currently click into the record to see, and is something of much more value -- especially when checking on the status of student staff.
4 votes -
Implement Just in Time (JIT) SAML provisioning
With Just-in-Time provisioning, you can use a SAML assertion to create users on the fly the first time they try to log in. This eliminates the need to create user accounts in advance from a SIS or FTP file download. Only an authenticated user would be created once validated through the login process. JIT provisioning is common in larger systems like SalesForce.
126 votesYou can now create an Alma user when a user is authenticated with SAML but does not have an existing Alma user. This eliminates the need to create user accounts in advance from a SIS or FTP file download. This option is supported for Primo VE.
For more information please see: -
Add the Import function to the Statistical Categories/Types mapping table.
Statistical Category and Category Types can be Imported but mapping them is exceedingly tedious.
44 votes -
Add City and NPA from physical address to global Contact Information screen of user
When you consult the Contact Information Tab of a user, you can only see the first line of the physical address, which most of the time is the street address.
We would like to add the column City and NPA to this screen.This way, for over 90% of our patrons, we can directly see the complete address without having to consult the detail of the address.
This would save us much time, as staff are required to regularly ask the patrons whether their address is still correct.
77 votesThe City and Postal Code from a user’s physical address are now visible in the Contact Information page.
For more information see Alma May Release Note at: -
Resource Sharing library field as mandatory for user records
We would like to configure Resource Sharing library field as mandatory for (at least public) user records by having a "Resource Sharing Library" line in the drop-down in Public/Staff User Mandatory Fields table.
Additionally, it could also be interesting to allow creating user registration rules for the "Resource Sharing Library" field.18 votes -
Customize gender description for NONE
We would like to be able to customize the gender field to change the description for the code NONE.
Australian legislation now requires the University to supporting the following in capturing gender data:
"18. Where sex and/or gender information is collected and recorded in a personal record, individuals should be given the option to select M (male), F (female) or X (Indeterminate/Intersex/Unspecified)." --
The existing description is hard-coded and uses the term "None'. EL advised us to use the code NONE for this purpose. However the description is not appropriate for describing people who do not identify as either…
41 votesAs of July release institutions can change the values of the list of user genders to conform with their local legislation.
for more information please see Alma July release notes: -
Remove notices from patron accounts
We try so hard to anonymize. It would be nice to be able to purge patron "attachments" after a certain amount of time.
96 votes
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