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56 results found

  1. Metadata editor: LDR form opens automatically

    With the November 2023 release, we noticed a change in the metadata editor.
    With the configuration "forced form editing" activated, whenever a record is pushed to the metadata editor, the LDR form is opened automatically and this is irritating, since cataloguers do not necessarily want to start working on the LDR, and the display of the form takes up a lot of screen space. Moreover, the LDR form opens again when saving the record.
    We would like to suggest the following adjustments:
    - the LDR form is not automatically opened when entering a record
    - the LDR form is not…

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  2. Display MARC 250 subfield "b" in "Edition" in the Brief Results List

    Even when a record has 250 subfields a and b, Alma brief results display only subfield $$a with a slash in the Edition field. Alma should also display subfields b according to the MARC21 standard:

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  3. Enable Alma collections items linked to logical sets to be updated as the set changes

    Currently it seems that Alma Collections can only be updated by manually adding individual items or adding items from sets. If the set is a logical set, as new items that fulfill the set search criteria are added, could they also automatically update the Alma Collection. This would save having to manually maintain Alma Collections to some degree.

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    It is now possible to define a logical collection based on a logical set of titles. The collection will be updated daily based on the changes in the set. Ad-hoc updates to the collection are also possible if required.

  4. Display all related records instead of 500

    When looking for related records (Brief results list > Other > Related records), only 500 titles are displayed.
    Especially when working with series/journals with many issues, monographs, or analytical records, having all related records would simplify the daily work.

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  5. Improve editing of large fields in the Metadata Editor

    When creating and/or editing a MARC field with a large volume of text, such as the 505 or 520 field, occasionally the cursor will appear to be in a different position than it is, so that the user may accidentally delete the wrong characters, or insert them in the wrong place. This appears to happen at random, and saving the record, restarting Alma, and even clearing the browser cache does not consistently fix the problem, even in the short term.

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  6. Allow overlap analysis tool to include print as well as e

    We would find it useful if the overlap analysis tool could also compare against print holdings, as well as electronic. Currently it only allows you to compare overlap within electronic titles, however the functionality of the tool is useful in that you can upload a file containing a list of identifiers, set up the overlap and leave it to run.

    The only way to conduct print and e overlap analysis in Alma at the moment is to use the Title level overlap analysis dashboard in Analytics, which includes various overlap reports and includes both print and electronic. However, we have…

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  7. More search indexes in Advanced Search

    Please enable search indexes such as 'Is not empty', 'Not contains', 'Not contains phrase', 'Not equal' search logic to as many search indexes as possible, especially for DC fields of Digital titles.

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  8. Search by any standard number in Search External Resources

    We would like to be able to search WorldCat by any standard number (UPC, ISMN, music publisher number, video publisher number, etc.) through the Search External Resources tool. This would be particularly helpful for locating audio-visual resources without having to search in the native interface.

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  9. Better control over processing order in import profiles

    When importing records it would be really useful to have an option to control the order of the processing steps involved in the import, and maybe to add additional processing steps.

    We have two use cases where the current order has not worked out for us:

    • When importing records with EOD, the EOD will be created from the original record rather than the normalized record. This was a special use case, where a change in the originating system prevented EOD to be embedded in a correct way. Had we been able to process the records with normalization rules we could…

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  10. Analyse and normalise special characters and diacritics in Alma records

    In order to enable correct and consistent automatic linking between Bib. headings and authority records, Alma's treatment of diacritics needs to be normalised, and made configurable according to the Authority file being used. In addition there are special characters in use (such as quotation marks), that have more than a single graphic representation that should be normalised in order to prevent discrepancies in Almas' match and link mechanisms.
    SFC#00533813, SFC#00375370 relate to the issue.

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  11. Add the 'Not contains', 'Not contains phrase', 'Not equal', 'Is not empty' search logic to Keywords, Creator, Subject etc. search indexes

    Please add the 'Not contains', 'Not contains phrase', 'Not equal', 'Is not empty' search logic to as many search indexes as possible, and particularly to Keywords, Creator, Subject search indexes.

    The 'Not contains', 'Not contains phrase', 'Not equal', 'Is not empty' search logics are very essential to advanced searches.

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  12. Remove 246 $a from title matching

    When fuzzy and extended fuzzy tests for title matches, they include 246 $a. This allows too many mismatches. When testing for title matches, match should not evaluate on 246 $a at all. For example, the current routine considers these two titles a match (due to 246 $a), even though they are in different languages (both have Plato as an author), have different ISBN, publishers, etc.:

    Title: Ion, oder, Über die Ilias
    Published: Göttingen ; Bristol, CT, U.S.A. : Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht, [2017]

    Title: Ion.
    Published: Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    Thank you for the idea.
    Extended Fuzzy Serial Match Method now supports the same functionality as the Extended Fuzzy Serial Match Method, except that when matching against the title, this profiles matches only by 245 a,b,k,n,p and not by 245 a,b,k,n,p, 245 a, 210 a, 246 a.
    for more information please see:

  13. Index the Marc 546 field in Alma Repository Search

    Libraries have expressed the need to search the Marc 546 language note field in Alma repository search.

    Use cases:
    to search for specific languages that do not have a Marc language code in the 041 field.
    Or to search for closed-captioning or subtitle info in the 546 field. (Example: "English, Spanish, French or Mandarin dialogue with optional English for the hearing impaired; closed-captioned."

    Like how other 5xx fields are indexed in the Notes search index, could the 546 be indexed as well?

    Voters: If you would like additional 5xx fields indexed please add them as a comment…

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  14. Add the ability to delete multiple sets from the "my sets" view

    In the course of our relegatuion and withdrawal work we create a large number of itemised sets. A while after the work has been carried it is useful to delete these sets (especially as many contain items which are no longer in our stock). Presently the only way to delete sets is on a set-by-set basis. We would like to be able to delete multiple sets in one go. I envisage this functioning much like the "task list" - that is, have a checkbox next to each set. This could then be checked and a "delete set" command applied to…

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    This requirement is already taken care of in the new Manage Sets structure, which went into effect in August 2023.

    The bulk Delete button appears in the toolbar when one or more sets are chosen. See the screenshot that is attached.

  15. In Advanced Search, allow filtering OUT specific locations. For example, allow use of the filer: Physical Location "IS NOT" X.

    Many searches do not allow for an "IS NOT" operator, and in some cases it is greatly missed. For example, when trying to assemble large sets of records where you want to exclude just a few locations, or filter out a single library. Please allow for an "IS NOT" operator when doing an advanced search and filtering by location or library. I'm sure there are other search filters also missing the "IS NOT" operator. Please feel free to add more suggestions via a comment! :)

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  16. Ability to schedule manual jobs on a regular basis

    At our institution, we have some manual jobs we would like to schedule on a regular basis (daily, weekly, etc.). For example, after we purchase a physical title and a PO line is created in Alma, we run the manual job, change holding information on a logical set. This job updates the holding call number (852 $h and $i) from the bibliographic record and also updates the library and location (852 $b and $c) based on the Library of Congress call number in 852 $h.

    We are aware that there is an Alma Jobs API ( that could…

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  17. Add the option to expand both physical and electronic inventory simultaneously rather than having to choose one or the other

    For people who work with both physical and electronic items, it is frustrating to continually have to toggle the Expand option back and forth between the two inventory types in order to see associated items or portfolios in the brief results lists. This makes collections work burdensome and requires multiple additional clicks. We'd like the option to have inventory information for both types display automatically by default, in addition to the existing options to display one type or the other.

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  18. Allow user to specify number of items to display (and select) per page

    Currently, only 20 items may be displayed and selected at a time. Most commercial websites offer a widget that allows the user to specify display of, for example, 25, 50, 100, or "all" matches when searching. (The widget option would be useful for other search types as well, but I'm concerned primarily with items here.) Adding such an option in Alma would be welcomed. Displays could still default to 20 per screen, but allow the user to display more on a single screen if desired.

    The current limit has a serious impact on our productivity when units are transferring large…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of November release you can now select the number of results appearing on any list of results (previously, only a few lists had this feature). For some lists, the range is between 10 and 50 results. For other lists, it is between 20 and 100 results.

  19. Add Previous and Next buttons to various screens

    After conducting a search and selecting a record to view, it would be nice to have Previous/Next buttons for navigation, rather than needing to always go "Back" and then select the next record in the list for viewing. This could also be useful in other areas, like the physical item editor, and perhaps in some Fulfillment functions.

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  20. search in a specific library

    We would appreciate having a tab "library" as existing tabs "Institution zone", "Network zone", "Community zone". Indeed, currently, it's tiresome to use facet "library" each time we launch a search in Alma.

    Is it possible?

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