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  1. Optional fields for more flexible export options  ·  Completed

  2. Analytics: Add Purchase Request Requester user information at the time of request

  3. Display “Created by” field for all Notes tab notes  ·  Completed

  4. Optional Campus Restriction on Personal Delivery

  5. Configuring different sender e-mail addresses (SMPT-envelope-from) for one letter-type  ·  Completed

  6. Possibillity to add print journal holdings to Primo holdings-file  ·  Closed

  7. Alma User Role for Editing/Deleting only Quick-Cataloged Records

  8. Create brand new courses during rollover  ·  Completed

  9. Improve and standardize the Dates folder in all the Primo Subject Areas  ·  Closed

  10. Improvements to request form when article is not available electronic or in print  ·  Completed

  11. Enable translation of reading list texts  ·  Closed

  12. AtoZ databases  ·  Closed

  13. Add fields for Title of unit and other descriptors to the Item Record OR add radial buttons to Item record and description templates  ·  Closed

  14. Improve functionality of the Areas of Interest to allow labelled headings and locking of specific serctions  ·  Under Review

  15. Borrowing Renewal Workflow (non-ISO): Letter to patron in case of a not accepted Renewal Request

  16. bad link reporter  ·  Closed

  17. Add Job Category as an input parameter for the Borrowing Resource Sharing rule  ·  Completed

  18. Job or tool for extraction of related bibliographic records

  19. CDI records: please provide us the ORCIDs in the PNX record in a usable form

  20. Display tags and student notes in same screen as item availability when viewing full citation details

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