Researcher to choose which email display in their profile
Some of our Researcher records have multiple email addresses, whether by manual entry or from external data.
Example: Amanda has recently married, changed surnames and has a new email address (both her old and new emails are active work emails).
Amanda only wishes to use her new email with her married surname, so this email is set to be the preferred email address in her User record.
Amanda only wants to display her new email on her Researcher profile, however both her old and new emails are being displayed, as they are both email Type: Work and we have configured for Work emails to display on profiles.
This is inadequate for Amanda, as she would only like to display her Preferred email.
Could you consider a new configuration option to only display the Preferred email, regardless of the email type?
Ultimately we would like our researchers to have the ability to select whether to hide or display, and set preference to which email address is displayed in their profile.

Rebecca Cooke commented
We also run into this issue for executive that have a generic email (such as "") that they wish to use instead of their personal email.