Convert to Resource Sharing should not be an option on the pick from shelf, when the item is a lending request from another school.
Convert to Resource Sharing should not be an option on the pick from shelf, when the item is a lending request from another school.
As we understand it, "Ship Digitally" requests should be Cancelled and "Patron digitization requests" should be Converted. However, requests in the pick from shelf lists don't show this distinction and both "Cancel" and "Convert" are options in the row action. To minimize confusion, we would prefer to gray out or hide the "Convert" option for a Ship Digitally? request.
We've been telling staff to try to Convert first, and if they get an error, then go back and Cancel. But we think it would be better if we could tell them to Cancel only when they don't have the option to Convert.
We created a screencast:
In the screencast, item #10 is a Ship Physically request and #11 is a Patron Digitization Request. Both show options to Cancel or Convert to Resource Sharing, but trying to Convert #10 throws an error. Could we eliminate the Convert option for those requests?