Exclude Rapido temporary bibs from Alma's Authority Control Task List
Currently, when a patron places a borrowing request through Rapido, a temporary bib. is created and appears on the Authority Control Task List in Alma. This is problematic for the Cataloging staff who rely on the Authority Control Task List to identify authority updates needed on local records.
As a Cataloger, it is hard to identify these Rapido temporary bibs. even if they are suppressed since institutions may have other suppressed records. It is also currently not possible to exclude them from the Task List.
We would like a way to filter the Authority Control Task List to exclude Rapido temporary bib. records. A couple of possible exclusions could include:
*Assign these temporary records with a brief bib. level of zero since it is already possible to filter based on the brief level.
*Create a Libraries filter on the Task List. (This assumes the Rapido temporary bibs reside in the Resource Sharing Library)
Thank you for this idea. This will not be implemented at this time. The facet of Suppressed from Discovery within the Authority Control Task List may be useful.