Ability to reorder fields with multiple lines via drag and drop in back end and on profile
We would like to see drag and drop functionality implemented across all fields in both the repository and the portal that have mutlitple lines, e.g. relationaships on assets so that relationships can be displayed in desired order. Links on the profile page. Education. Research topics and keywords. Related content on the asset.
Currently many of theses fields display in the order they are entered and some display in a random undetermined order. If links need to be reordered they have to be deleted and re-added. This is a duplciaiton of effort.

As has been noted drag and drop is available in many places. We have no immediate plans to add more. Removing the Planned status so institutions can continue voting for this. Please indicate where it is most missing.
AdminDan Shor (Admin, Ex Libris) commented
As of January release it would be possible for Repository Managers to reorder the researcher website links from the Repository and control the order the links are displayed on the profile. In the coming releases support will be added also for the researcher to do this.
Education and Affiliations can already be reordered by the Researcher and the Repository Manager. Subjects reordering is planned to be added.