Springer Nature Open Access Community Zone Electronic Collection
This is a request to add a single free/open access collection for all Springer Nature free/open access journals. Currently there are 4 community zone collections in Alma with many overlaps:
SpringerOpen Free - (CKB)613170000000000044
BioMed Central open Access - (CKB)611000000000000500
Bacon Springer Nature Global Open Access - (CKB)613780000000000900
Springer Nature Oa Journals - (CKB)614910000000000075
We’d like the addition of one single consolidated collection because having the above 4 collections is unnecessarily confusing for students and staff as they currently encounter so many electronic collections for the same journal/article even when different community zone electronic collection links in Primo end up on the same platform page.
A single collection would be much simpler, and we could then deactivate the 4 collections cited here – would be great if they were removed completely from the community zone. This is also more in-line with other publishers such as the singular ‘Wiley Online Library Open Access’ and ‘Taylor & Francis Open Access’ community zone electronic collections.

Due to linking limitations, we will not be able to create a collection for all Open Access content from Springer.
Therefore I am closing the idea.
Kind regards,
Andrew Brown commented
If for technical reasons we would lose article level resolution I'd like to keep the invididual collections, but see what others say Tamar. Thanks for the update. Andrew Brown, Swansea University.
AdminTamar Ganor (Admin, Ex Libris) commented
Such a collection will have to use BULK::Bulk parser because the Springer Open Access content is available on several platforms.
Meaning there will be no article level resolving.
Would that be of any use?