Add books from Proquest's Oasis database to PCI
We are recommending Primo to our users as the route to suggest new books for purchase. However, PCI is not great for books, unless they are part of a publisher's e-book collection.
Proquest have their own database of books in print via Oasis - this would be a fantastic addition to PCI and would greatly facilitate purchase requests or resource sharing requests via Primo.

Oasis should be wholly represented in CDI.
If there are any specific content gaps in CDI, please let me know directly
Kind regards,
Monica Crump commented
Just to clarify, we would hope that both print and e-books in the Oasis database would be added to PCI, so that users can request purchase of either format, and because there are still many books that aren’t available in e-book format.
Allen Jones commented
Monica -
It might make sense to think about this is terms of scoped approval plans - print and electronic DDA. We are thinking a similar thing, but against consortia holdings. We have an app that sources the bib-data to ezborrow before seeing if we need to buy a copy.