Could we add Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online.
It would be great to add the AAT vocabularies to the CZ to enhance and enrich records for and about artistic endeavour.

The Art & Architecture Thesaurus has been added - code AAT.
Kind regards,
AdminTamar Ganor (Admin, Ex Libris) commented
We are making some progress to add the Art & Architecture Thesaurus to Alma.
I will add a clear timeline once I have it.
Kind regards,
Tamar -
Amanda Schriver commented
Hi Tamar,
Is there an update on when this might be complete? We at the Art Institute of Chicago are heavy users of AAT and are very excited for the AAT to be added.
Amanda -
Martijn Lens commented
Dear Tamar,
Can you maybe give an update on the planning?
I am not seeing AAT authorities yet and we are now already in December 2023...Thanks and regards,
Martijn -
Yuning Zhou commented
Hi Rael and Ex Libris,
Do we have any update on this request? Here at National Gallery of Art Library, we would like to advocate for AAT authority to be added to CZ as well.
For this request at stage of Under Review, I wonder if more votes will help facilitate the review or not necessary?