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We welcome your ideas for new content (metadata) to add to the Knowledge Bases (KBs - Alma CZ, SFX, 360) and Discovery services (CDI - Central Discovery Index whose data supports Primo and Summon).

How to increase your idea's visibility and get more votes:
  1. Check if your idea has already been posted and vote for it before posting a new idea.
  2. Choose the right category: "New Provider" for content from a provider that has no available content in the KBs or CDI, or "Existing Provider" for content from a provider that already has content available in the KBs or CDI.
  3. Add a direct link to the provider/resource you suggest, and a contact person if possible.
  4. For enrichment requests add the relevant collection ID(s). 
  5. Make sure you mention any specific added value your idea has to the community such as language or supporting diversity.
  6. Did you find errors in an existing collection? please open a case.
  7. A new year has begun but no corresponding annual collection? post an idea in Idea Exchange, make sure to mention if it is an existing provider.

The categories for new content ideas are:
  1. Existing Provider - if your idea is for a new collection from a provider that already has content available in the KBs and CDI or enriching records for an existing collection, use this category. No voting is necessary, ideas for existing providers will be handled regardless of voting.
  2. New Providers - if your idea is for content from a provider that does not have any content available in the KBs and CDI, choose this category.
  3. Other - for non provider specific ideas

If you want to add an institutional repository, please open a case and follow the documentation here:

**Please be aware that ideas with no comments or votes for the past three years, and have less than 30 votes, will be closed. The closed ideas will still be available for review, and the votes will be freed up for supporting other content ideas.

**If you are a content provider, please review the submission guides for more information on how to reach out

530 results found

  1. Add "subscribe by email" and other ways to monitor CKB release notes

    It is crucial for us to monitor CKB release notes to ensure that collection activations are appropriately revised in response to changes. At present, the only way to monitor the notes is by RSS feed, which is cumbersome -- it is very easy to miss changes with only RSS feed updates. Please add other means of monitoring these changes, such as subscribing to the release notes by email.

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    Thank you for this suggestion.
    I will forward this request to our IT group to see if it is possible to add this functionality to the Knowledge Center platform.

    We cannot track this request here, so I am closing this out.

    Thank you,

  2. Missing target "Ubidictionary"

    I kindly ask you to create a new target for the databases "Lo Zingarelli", "Dizionario della lingua Italiana", "Grande enciclopedia La Zanichelli"we have on the plattform Ubidictionary.
    Please check out:

    Thank you for considering my request and kind regards
    Marianne / Zentralbibliothek Zürich

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    Due to insufficient context, we are unable to complete this request as posted.

    If this request is still relevant, please post a new idea with the relevant information for this resource.

    Kind regards,


  3. Please add the Bibliotech eTextbook platform as an integration with Alma and Primo

    Please add an integration with the Bibliotech platform, which is used by a number of universities in the UK, likely with more to be added internationally. Integrations with Alma and Primo are in particularly high demand, although integrating with Leganto too would be ideal.


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    This platform no longer exists.

    If the content provider has a different platform now, please post a new idea.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  4. Add Commons Open Repository Exchange (CORE) from Humanities Commons

    We would like to request that the Commons Open Repository Exchange (CORE) from Humanities Commons be added as a collection in the CZ, with records/portfolios for the individual titles. CORE is "A nonprofit, interdisciplinary, broad-ranging alternative to commercial networks" and includes freely accessible open access works, including articles, monographs, course materials, white papers, conference papers, code, and digital projects. Additional information about CORE is available at with content at

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    We could not reach an agreement with CORE for receiving their metadata.

    Therefore, we will not be able to add this resource to Ex Libris products.

    Kind regards,



    Dear support

    Referring to the closed Salesforce Case # 00347610, I kindly ask you to create a target named "OTTOSAGNERDIGITALOPENACCESS_BOOKS".

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,
    Stefan / Zentralbibliothek Zürich

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    Hello all,

    Following an announcement from the provider, Kubon & Sagner GmbH, this collection has been retired and removed from our Delivery systems.

    If you have any further information on parallel collections, please feel free to submit a new Idea to the system.


  6. Target: Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

    Please add the collection
    {KBI Migration}

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  7. Add PsycINFO citations to CDI

    Currently, APA PsycINFO citations are not being displayed in Summon. Please consider ingesting the information so that it shows up in the discovery layer

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    The provider is not interested in sending us the metadata for this collection to be indexed in CDI.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  8. IG Publishing "IGP_Evidence Based Acquisitions Front List" and "IGP Evidence Based Acquisitions Archive List"

    Dear Support,

    (Ecumenical Information Network)
    We have subscribe IG Publishing service and the vendor has provided the titles to SFX, please help to create following target names in SFX and Primo Central

    •     IGP_Evidence Based Acquisitions Front List
    •     IGP Evidence Based Acquisitions Archive List

    Thanks and regards,


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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  9. Add South Asia Open Archives

    CRL and JSTOR have partnered to create the South Asia Open Archives. This content is freely available on the JSTOR platform and is accessible by visiting

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    We have previously discussed this collection with the provider, but there is currently no available title list that can be used to ingest in our Delivery products.
    At this time we will close this request, but should a title list become available we can reconsider this request.


  10. New Community Zone electronic collection request: IET Open Access Journals on Wiley Online Library

    The University of Strathclyde requests the addition of a new CZ collection for IET Open Access titles that are now available on the Research Hub on Wiley Online Library. The details of the 43 titles to be added are listed here:
    Currently the IET titles are available on the ‘Wiley Online Library Open Access’ collection (Collection ID: 614330000000000427)’ however the content has now moved from the main Wiley Online Library ( ) site to the Research Hub on Wiley Online ( ), and the links no longer work. We would prefer if the IET Journals had their…

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    Wiley confirmed the IET titles should be part of the Wiley Online Library Open Access and they will not remove them.

    The links are working fine, if you still experience access issues please open a support ticket.



  11. Update Kluwer navigator EZ7

    Kluwer Nederland has the intention to exchange their metadata of the database Kluwer navigator EZ7 with ExLibris. In the past they were committed to OCLC - now they want to start with other discover tools.
    The content of EZ7 is increased - an update is necessary

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    Unfortunately the provider has a policy that does not allow Ex Libris to receive metadata on document level for their complete content. 

    Therefore we will close this idea.

    Thanks for your support,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  12. PsycCRITIQUES (EBSCOhost)

    Create EBSCOhost version of PsycCRITIQUES.
    There is an e-collection for the APA version but we subscribe to EBSCOhost's version. I had to convert the APA e-collection to use the EBSCO parser and parse param.

    -Contemporary Psychology: APA Review Of Books
    Bibliographic Records:1956 - 2004
    Full Text:1956 - 2004

    Bibliographic Records:1956 - Current
    Full Text:1956 - Current

    Reviews are the focus of this full-text database from the American Psychological Association (APA). The majority of reviews are of scholarly and professional books in psychology. In addition, there are psychology-based reviews of popular films and trade books. Coverage ranges from…

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    Following a discussion with EBSCO, they have supplied the below response: 


    This product was removed from EBSCOhost and EBSCO Discovery Service in 2018. The APA provides archival access.




  13. MOOC, Open Courses and Open Coursewares

    As helpful to newbies on curtain subject as other results already included in Summon Index.

    Index the resourses from Coursera, edX, HarvardX, or any MOOC platform around the world. As well as OCWs at MIT, etc.

    Many popular courses are hosted on multiple platforms, so they need to be generalized by name and teachers, like what EJP does for journals, I suppose.

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  14. Add CultureGrams for activations in Primo

    Please add Culturegrams to the PCI

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  15. Target/Collection: University of Alberta Libraries OJS Journal Collection

    The University of Alberta Library publishes a high quality collection of over 40 open access journals, many of whom have been publishing for over a decade These titles provide globally relevant, peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary content with particular strengths in Education and Social Sciences. Improved access to these resources will benefit researchers and students world-wide. Library publishers are important partners in knowledge creation and discovery, and we would like to work with Ex Libris to include important collections like these in their discovery environments.

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  16. Add "RVM - le Répertoire de vedettes-matière" to Alma CZ

    We suggest the addition of University Laval's RVM subject authorities to the Alma CZ:

    We are a large bilingual (English-French) academic library, with more than 35% of our collection consisting of French materials. We create French cataloguing records, including French subject headings, for all titles in French that we hold.

    Alma currently provides access to over 50 authorities in several languages, unfortunately RVM is not one of them. Consequently, our cataloguing process for French materials is much slower than the process for materials in other languages as we need to consult RVM website every time when searching for French…

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    Unfortunately, Ex Libris will not be able to include RVM in Alma CZ due to contractual disagreements which cannot be resolved.

    RVM is available for local management for subscribing institutions.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  17. Useful resources

    Dear all,

    Is possible to include these following resources:

    Sunny regards from Brussels,

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  18. RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text (EBSCOhost)

    This is currently listed as a 0 title database in the CKB. This product has over 200 titles. EBSCO has the title list at

    Please add the title to the CKB so that they can be found through Primo.

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    This Idea has been assessed (and also raised as part of the NERS requests).
    We are currently unable to add this content to our Discovery products and therefore must decline this Idea at this time.

    Thank you,

  19. Add Swank film database to Summon

    Swank is in the Knowledge Base but not available to track in Summon. Can we make it available to track?

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    There are three Swank collections in the Knowledgebases:


    However, it is not possible for Swank to send metadata for discovery as their agreements do not allow sharing that level of metadata.

    Kind regards,


  20. Add chapter and contents information to book records

    Chapter and contents information is extrememly useful to our users but is often missing from records. We'd like records to be enriched with this information where possible.

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    Some providers cannot send us granular metadata for book chapters and contents.

    If you have a specific provider in mind, please post a new idea.


    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

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