We welcome your ideas for new content (metadata) to add to the Knowledge Bases (KBs - Alma CZ, SFX, 360) and Discovery services (CDI - Central Discovery Index whose data supports Primo and Summon).
- Check if your idea has already been posted and vote for it before posting a new idea.
- Choose the right category: "New Provider" for content from a provider that has no available content in the KBs or CDI, or "Existing Provider" for content from a provider that already has content available in the KBs or CDI.
- Add a direct link to the provider/resource you suggest, and a contact person if possible.
- For enrichment requests add the relevant collection ID(s).
- Make sure you mention any specific added value your idea has to the community such as language or supporting diversity.
- Did you find errors in an existing collection? please open a case.
- A new year has begun but no corresponding annual collection? post an idea in Idea Exchange, make sure to mention if it is an existing provider.
- Existing Provider - if your idea is for a new collection from a provider that already has content available in the KBs and CDI or enriching records for an existing collection, use this category. No voting is necessary, ideas for existing providers will be handled regardless of voting.
- New Providers - if your idea is for content from a provider that does not have any content available in the KBs and CDI, choose this category.
- Other - for non provider specific ideas
530 results found
Atekst ( for Discovery
Atekst is a newspaper aggreagator that provides access to almost all of the Norwegian newspapers indexed on article level. Please index in Summon and Primo Central.
422 votesHello,
We have reached out again to Atekst have been informed that they do not share data with 3rd parties.
Unfortunately this means that we cannot pursue this content for ingestion within our Indexes.Should there be any change in the future we would be more than happy to reassess and reconsider the ingestion of this content.
Thank you,
Rael -
Add a metadata correction layer for PCI
Many times when we found wrong metadata in PCI and reported to Ex Libris for correction, it took them a long time to contact the data vendors to make the corrections. Sometimes they never can get response or correction from the vendors, and the wrong metadata stayed in PCI without any changes. The wrong metadata is really misleading and cannot generate the correct OpenURLs for users to reach the full text articles. I would suggest Ex Libris to build an internal metadata correction layer for the PCI data to improve its quality. With this layer, even the vendors don't correct…
247 votesHello,
Following reviews and discussion with our Primo product colleagues, we will not move forward with this request.
With the shift to CDI we will be addressing all relevant changes on CDI, but also for CDI we will not be currently creating a “metadata correction layer”.
All metadata corrections are performed centrally by our Content Operations team.Thank you for your contribution.
Rael -
We would love to see MARCIVE's GPO database added to the PCI.
For more details, see: votesHello,
After meeting with the MARCIVE rep during ELUNA, it is confirmed their sales model will not allow the creation of a MARCIVE collection in the knowledgebases.
Therefore I am closing this idea.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
233 votes
Unfortunately, we are unable to receive metadata from BibliU.
Therefore we are unable to create a collection for this provider.
Kind regards,
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit library. Founded in 1996, their mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge. They collect published works and make them available in digital formats.
Nowadays, the Archive contains 11 million books and texts, 4 million audio recordings (including 160,000 live concerts), 3 million videos (including 1 million Television News programs), and 1 million images. Books published prior to 1923 are available for download, and hundreds of thousands of modern books can be borrowed (free of charge).
Certainly a good candidate for Primo Central and Summon indexes...
188 votesHello all,
Thank you for contributing this idea.
Following numerous attempts to reach out to the provider we have not been able to establish contact and therefore must decline this request.
Should the provider be interested in establishing contact with us, we would be happy to revisit this request.Best,
Rael -
Add OA flag to Community Zone Open Access ebook collections where they are missing
Some Alma CZ ebook e-collections do not include a MARC 506 field that would add the OA flag to Primo search results. This means that these titles are not included in the Open Access facet under Availability - even though the names of the e-collections state that they are open access.
Eg:Project Euclid Open Access Monographs
Bloomsbury Open Access
Brillonline Open Access Books
International Monetary Fund eLibrary Open Access
JSTOR Books Open Access
Project Muse Open Access Books
Smithsonian Research Online - Open Access (Smithsonian)
Taylor & Francis eBooks Open Access
Walter De Gruyter: Open Access eBooksPlease consider…
182 votesHello,
We are working on cleaning up the 506 field within the CZ.
We continue to rely on providers to supply this metadata, and display this when available.
In addition there are talks about this field and the OA indications in may forums within our industry, so we look forward to improvements over time.
Thank you,
Community Zone collection for Scholarly Publishing Collective
Duke University Press's Scholarly Publishing Collective now hosts content from JSTOR Journal Hosting Program as of January 3, 2022. Being able to activate the entire collection in Alma would be a great help!
168 votesHello,
We are aware of this planned platform change and are working with the providers to meet the requirements.
To track our progress, please see:
Thank you,
La Mia Biblioteca
Dear all,
could you please create, in SFX, a new target MIABIBLIOTECAWOLTERSKLUWEREBOOKS , target service getFullTxt, for the italian ebook platform named La Mia Biblioteca <> and add all the objects here attached?
La Mia biblioteca is a one of the more comprehensive and extensive italian ebook collection about law and the related subject. The collection includes more than 4000 ebook title.
Furthermore, could you please add the category Law and subcategory General and Others to each object?
Elisa Minardi160 votesHello all,
After many months and many attempts to establish contact both with the provider directly and via our contacts at Wolters Kluwer (they are not familiar with this collection), we must decline this request as we cannot move forward with the ingestion.
Thank you for your contribution.
Rael -
Add VitalSource book collection
We would like to add VitalSource book collection to ALMA CZ and CDI.
This is an important platform of text books collection.Best Regards,
Svetlana.The Neiman Library of Exact Sciences & Engineering | Tel Aviv University | Israel
157 votes -
Biblioteca volumi Giuffre
Dear all,
could you please create, in SFX, a new target BIBLIOTECAGIUFFREVOLUMI_EBOOKS, target service getFullTxt, for the italian ebook platform named Biblioteca Volumi <> and add all the objects here attached?
Biblioteca Volumi - Giuffrè is a one of the more comprehensive and extensive italian ebook collection about law and the related subject. The collection includes more than 14.000 ebook title published by Giuffre since 2001 until today and, furthermore, a broad selection of out of print books since 1931 to 2000 .
Furthermore, could you please add the category Law and subcategory General and Others to…
157 votesHello,
Following many attempts we have unfortunately been unable to establish contact with this provider and therefore must decline this request.
Should any customers have a way to assist in initiating contact we can reconsider.
Thank you,
Rael -
Add Agrovoc thesaurus to authority files
Add Agrovoc multilingual thesaurus from FAO to CZ authority files
Alma multinlingual thesaurus search and publishing should permit to select languages among all the thesaurus languages.156 votesHello all,
At this point we will need to decline this request as Agrovoc can provide several formats though these do not include the MARC format which is required for us to ingest Authorities.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but will keep this request in our backlog should we be able to ingest other formats in the future, or if Agrovoc provide the MARC format.
If you become aware of a change in the available file formats from Agrovoc please let us know and we can reopen this request.Thank you,
Rael -
Add Elsevier Open Access Collection to Alma CZ
We would like to see a collection for Elsevier Open Access Journals (including coverage statements) in Alma CZ. As is, these titles are activated in the Elsevier autoload collection. However this collection has to be proxied in order to provide our patrons with off-campus access to subscribed content. All Elsevier OA-titles are thus behind institutional log in if accessed via Primo or linkresolver.
155 votesHello,
The collections ScienceDirect Complimentary Free Access Books and ScienceDirect Open Access Titles from the provider Elsevier are no longer being updated.
This means that we cannot support these as separate fulltext collections with title lists in our Delivery products.For our 360 customers, in order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata all titles were removed and the databases were hidden as of December 2020.
For more information on this, please see: this time we will close this request. Should a title list become available we can review this request again.
Thank you for your contribution!
Rael -
BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
BASE is one of the world's largest search engines especially for academic open access web resources. BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library. It provides more than 100 million documents from more than 5,000 sources. About 60% of BASE’s contents are in Open Access. Only freely available materials should be indexed in Primo Central and Summon.
148 votesHello all,
Following extensive review and analysis, we have decided to pursue adding institutional repository content via CORE and Unpaywall.
Therefore, at this time, we will not be ingesting BASE content.Best,
Rael -
Need up-to-date 'Westlaw Thomson Reuters' CZ Selective Package
There is no up-to-date ‘Westlaw Thomson Reuters’ Selective Package in the Community Zone. This Westlaw database has had much flux over recent years, including name changes.
Due to internal changes of where particular content is kept in the database, even in the most recent CZ Selective Packages many parser parameter links need to be updated.142 votesHello all,
As indicated in the previous note, we had been in contact with the provider and they do not have a specific collection called “Westlaw Thomson Reuters Selective Package”.
Without any further details or information we will close this request.
Should you like to request a specific Westlaw Thomson Reuters collection that we can obtain, please create a new request on this platform and we will work with the provider to make it accessible.Thank you,
Rael -
Add to PCI and Knowledgebase: Ebsco Research Databases
Please consider adding all Ebsco research databases to the PCI / Knowledge base.
I'd appreciate if you could open communications with Ebsco to see if their content could be made available in the PCI.
120 votesHello,
As you are aware, unfortunately we do not currently have an agreement in place to ingest EBSCO content directly into our Discovery systems.
I would like to release these votes for your convenience, while emphasizing that we are always hopeful that an agreement will be reached and we will be able to make this content available directly in the future.
Rael -
PCI / CDI: Please make sure that Open Access archives are really OA
In Primo Central Index / Central Discovery Index, some archives are incorrectly referred to as Open Access.
Please check the availability of documents in Open Access archives with "Link in record". If these archives sometimes also contain blocked documents or only title pages, tables of contents or abstracts, please split these archives into several collections, e.g. Open Access and Restricted Access.
Records which link only to title pages, tables of contents or abstracts should not appear in Open Access collections with "Link in record".
Open Access LMU (
Auf "Open Access LMU" finden Sie 64725 verzeichnete Publikationen…119 votesHello,
We are familiar with the nature of such collections which had previously been identified as fully Open Access, but in fact contain a majority of titles that are not freely available.
In order to address this we are reviewing our content to update such collections and re-classify them as “Partially Open Access” for better accuracy, based on the majority of the content within each collection.
If you encounter such a collection which you would like us to consider for re-assessment, please submit a Support Case so that we can analyze the request and process it.
In some cases we may encourage the community to discuss this matter with the content provider directly so that they can update their offerings and possibly generate two separate title lists to distinguish between their Open Access and paid content.We have already processed the request for the example provided (Open Access LMU),…
Austlii - Australasian Legal Information Institute
Add Austlii to Primo Central Index. Provides full text access to Australian legal materials including primary legal materials (legislation, treaties and decisions of courts and tribunals); and secondary legal materials created by public bodies for purposes of public access.
Website claims 734 databases from all Australasian jurisdictions.
Publisher: Faculties of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney and the University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Contact: votesHello all,
Due to our inability to establish contact with this provider we are required to decline this request.
That said, please note that we are aware that this content may also be available via CCH Online.
We are currently working to initiate contact with CCH Online in light of the NERS request for this content.Best,
Rael -
Springer Nature Open Access Community Zone Electronic Collection
This is a request to add a single free/open access collection for all Springer Nature free/open access journals. Currently there are 4 community zone collections in Alma with many overlaps:
SpringerOpen Free - (CKB)613170000000000044
BioMed Central open Access - (CKB)611000000000000500
Bacon Springer Nature Global Open Access - (CKB)613780000000000900
Springer Nature Oa Journals - (CKB)614910000000000075We’d like the addition of one single consolidated collection because having the above 4 collections is unnecessarily confusing for students and staff as they currently encounter so many electronic collections for the same journal/article even when different community zone electronic collection links in Primo end up…
113 votesHello,
Due to linking limitations, we will not be able to create a collection for all Open Access content from Springer.
Therefore I am closing the idea.
Kind regards,
Change labels for Hathi Trust Records that are restricted to search only
Currently, Hathi Trust records appear to have a full-text available label whether they are available in full-text or they are restricted to search only. In Summon restricted items in Hathi Trust are labeled citation online in order to not give the user a false expectation that the item would be available. I would like Primo to treat Hathi Trust records the same way.
112 votesHello all,
Thank you for raising this topic.
This type of request is best addressed via a Support Case, so I am “declining” it here.
That said, we are currently working on renewing this feed from the provider, and based on the indications they send, we will be able to create a more accurate representation of the availability.
This is a lengthy process, but we are aware of this and working to remedy the availability accuracy here.Thank you!
Rael -
112 votes
We have done some updates to improve the availability of the titles in this collection, but that resulted in metadata inaccuracies.
Currently, this collection is managed by the community and will remain as such until we can determine if updates can be done at scale while adhering to library standards by Ex Libris.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
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