date limiter buttons - keep the end date open rather than automatically entering a value of today's date
issue with the "quick pick" date limiter options (1 year, 3 years, etc.) - a "hard" end date is set (today's date) which is invisible to the user unless they click the pencil icon, meaning any results with future publication dates will be excluded from the search results. It's really common for journal articles to show a publication date in the future, and the way the date shortcut buttons are configured, any such articles will not be include in the results. We believe this is counter to what users expect when they use date limiters, and in particular the "shortcut" date limiter options in Summon; conceptually, users rely on these limiters to find all resources published more recently than the time period referenced in the button (e.g. 5 years), rather than all resources published within a specific, end-capped date range. For example, students are often following assignment parameters requiring them to review current literature not more than xx years old; faculty researchers are looking for the most current literature in their fields. Using the date limiter buttons currently excludes upcoming/scheduled publications (for example, 703 peer reviewed articles on covid) unless you manually change the date to a far future date. For these date limiter buttons, we would suggest automatically calculating the start date based on today's date minus x years, but keeping the end date open rather than automatically entering a value of today's date. We think that will be more in line with what users actually expect from those limiters. And we don't think it's realistic to expect users to click the pencil icon, note the end date, perceive the problems with future-dated publications being excluded, and change the end date to something in the future.

Scheduled for 2025 roadmap.