Minimise requests by patrons for locally subscribed content by filtering via Summon Citation Linker
As a small team processing many document delivery requests, it would be good to minimize the number of requests for items already held in locally subscribed e-journals. Proposing that citation details entered via a local online form could be submitted to the Summon Citation Linker for checking and identification of subscribed content. If held, a return to the patron of a link to the full-text content would be provided. If item is not subscribed, form information is forwarded to library staff as usual. Would greatly benefit both the requester who can receive access to required content instantly and also library staff who receive fewer requests for already subscribed items.

neil jiohu commented
In the life of an international student, managing multiple course loads simultaneously while possibly juggling work and social activities is common. In such a busy lifestyle, paper writing services provide a convenient solution. By entrusting paper writing tasks to these services, we can invest more time in other significant academic activities or personal interests, leading to a better balance between academics and life.