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147 results found
Link to all full-text options from within Summon results, alongside 1-click
Given the new issues with framed resources and the sidebar, I'd like to suggest the option to add a link to all full-text sources for a given article directly within the Summon results. That way, even with the sidebar turned off, users can still find alternative sources of full-text if the "top" source from 1-click doesn't work as expected.
90 votesThis has been completed as part of the Summon 2021 Roadmap.
Add option to force 360 Link to load over HTTPS
In October, Google Chrome release 62 will begin labeling any website loaded over http and containing a form (i.e. every library webpage ever) as "Not Secure." You can read more about that here:
We currently route traffic from Summon and other services we control to 360Link over HTTPS, but we can't force all our users onto HTTPS (especially those coming from Google Analytics). Since the * wildcard certificate covers every instance of 360 Link, why not add an option to force all connections to use HTTPS? (Or just make it the default.)
80 votesCompleted in 2018
Add A-Z list for databases
Add A-Z list for databases or allow A-Z order from the list of results in Summon to set a query for custom link.
80 votesCompleted as part of the 2020 roadmap.
Automatically searching for the corrected spelling
Google-like searching using misspellings; automatically searching for the corrected spelling with a link to search the original misspelled terms; current behavior presents results using misspelling and link to search on corrected terms
68 votesThis has been completed as part of the Summon 2021 Roadmap.
Language selection
We have received complaints about the difficulty in changing the language on the Summon-page. It's not intuitive to have to click on the language you already see in order to get the other alternative/s. We would like the alternative you click on first to be called Change language or maybe just "language". As it is now, if I want to change language from Swedish to English, I first have to click on Swedish to get to the Language-menu and be able to chose English.
67 votesThis was completed as part of the February 2022 release of Summon.
"Exact" search for certain fields
Add the functionality to do an "exact" search on certain fields. For example there are very short titles which can be search much better this way. Also signatures in the LCCallNumber field could be found much easier. We are api users (Backend Summon, Frontend VuFind) and are helping ourselves at the moment with "constructed" values for the (for example) LCCallNumber to simualte the possibility of an exact search - but this is far from optimal.
62 votesThis has been completed as part of the Summon 2021 Roadmap.
Distinguish between author and editor in Summon results and citations
Before RDA, catalogue records did not clearly distinguish between the author and editor of a work, so Summon could not do this either. We would like Summon results and citations to separate author and editor, where this is possible. This would be particularly helpful when exporting citations to reference manager software such as RefWorks. Currently editors are always imported into the author field. This has caused our users problems as it means their references are inaccurate, unless they notice the problem and manually fix it.
In RDA, terms such as author and editor can be added to the names given…
61 votesCompleted as part of the 2020 roadmap.
Better Facet controls
The ability to set expand or collapse as default by facet; ability to add facets, remove facets and change facet order
54 votesIncluded in the August 2019 quarterly release
Exclude Content Type Newspaper Article should include Online Newspaper Content
The Newspaper facet in Summon should also include/exclude online content from newspapers. Online newspaper content is currently coded as a Web Resources
If you do a search for "Devos education" with newspaper articles excluded, 25 of the first 30 citations are from:
Washington Post - Blogs
Washington Post (Online)
New York Times (Online)
53 votesThe initial work for this has been completed as part of the August 2022 quarterly release. We have identified content that should be labeled newspaper content and will continue to improve that content as we process it for ingestion in CDI.
No result searches / Did you mean?
We have problems with patrons entering full citations into the Summon search box and getting no results, even though we hold the item in question.
We want the developers to alter the Summon search algorithm so it automatically removes punctuation from searches, enabling more useful search results!
(We already trying to use the translations feature to alter the ‘suggestions to improve your search’)50 votesIn the spring of 2023, we made changes to our algorithm to improve the handling of citation searches. We are now using AI to parse these queries to increase the likelihood of a successful search.
While this improvement may not solve all issues with citation searches, our internal testing shows significant improvement.
Make Link Out(Summon Direct Linking) statistics of each database available in OBI
We would like to be able to see the click-through (or call it Link Out) usage of each database via Summon IEDL in Summon OBI and the total click-throughs so that we can understand how Summon contributes to the usage of the e-resources we subscribe to.
50 votesIncluded in the August 2019 quarterly release
Full title of search result on mouseover (titles are truncated on smaller screens)
Problem: Summon users who have smaller display screens (such as laptops) are not seeing the full title for search results – instead search results are being truncated with the remainder of the title not visible for the user.
For academic journal articles that often have long titles, this means that users are not able to properly identify a search result’s relevance.
Currently, the only way these users can find out the full title is by clicking through each result and going directly to the source. This is undesirable for users as is time consuming and clunky.Proposed solution: We propose…
48 votesDelivered in the February 2024 release.
Make Open Access facet statistics available in OBI
It would be great to be able to look at usage stats for Open Access facet(s) in Summon searches. Since the "Is Open Access" facet is already available in the OBI interface, it makes sense for this functionality to be added to the enhancement list. Considering that Open Access materials are becoming more important globally, and in our library we are looking into raising the profile of our Open Access resources in general, being able to report on statistics would be great for us.
47 votesThis functionality was included as part of the August Summon release.
Ability to add customizations and links in the right pane
Ability to add a tile in the right hand column with custom headline, text, links and images. Allow for these to be persistenst or to be triggered by tags.
43 votesWe added this functionality as part of the November 2017 release. You’ll find the controls to enable this in the admin console, under Pages > Custom Panel Sections.
Ability to prioritize databases in the Database Recommender
We want to prioritize the list of databases in the Database Recommender so that we can emphasize certain databases over others.
42 votesThis has been completed as part of the Summon 2021 Roadmap.
Improvements to manage larger sets of volatile Best Bets
To manage Best Bets more rigourously I would offer this additional functionality:
a) Export all current best bets to Excel (Much simpler to manage and check for currency outside of admin interface)b) Provide a way to mark all existing Best Bets for deletion with one click so that the updated spreadsheet (from point a) can be imported to Summon without requiring every existing Best Bet to marked for deletion to prevent duplications.
40 votesCan be achieved using the bulk import process.
Ability to add Google Tag Manager information instead of Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager is a Google Analytics toolf ro managing multiple tags for a single page or site. The ability to add the Google Tag Manager to the institution's site via the admin console.
39 votesCompleted as part of the 2023 Summon Roadmap.
Summon now has both Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager support.
In search results, make the journal title a link that takes you to a "Search Within the Journal" search page
This would be similar to clicking on the author name to find additional articles by that author, but with the added "search within" capability.
39 votesCompleted May 2018
Don't limit search results to 200 items
Don't limit search results to 200 items. Many students use Summon as part of their literature review strategy to gather information for dissertations. Removing the limit of only 200 results being returned would allow users to get a far more accurate picture of what is available to them from the literature they are reviewing.
39 votesAs of the July 2017 release you can now review up to the first 1,000 results. To do this you will need to configure the number of results retrieved at a time from 10 to 25.
We maintain a limit at 1,000 to prevent crawlers from scraping content or overloading the system with traffic.
Create system agnostic ways to integrate with the UI e.g. chat and readings
At the moment, you have to cross your fingers and hope ProQuest/ExLibris partner with the system you want integrated. For example Summon supports LibraryH3lp, Springshare's LibAnswers or OCLC's QuestionPoint chat widgets. We use a different system. I would like to see fields in the Admin console that are not provider specific. e.g. Enter your chat widget code here. Similarly we would like to see integration with our course readings system. That system has APIs that would allow us to link out to lists based on a course/unit code search. It would be great if there was a way to introduce…
38 votesThis functionality is available via custom panels: Summon: Administration Console: Custom Panel Sections - Ex Libris Knowledge Center
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