customizable staff_work_area per institution
As people who ingest data into and export data from Rosetta we would like to export IEs per institution.
Currently the export directory for the whole consortium is (in our installation) /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffwork_area/
Subdirectories are created when a user exports something for the first time. The subdirectories are named after the user, e.g. for user admin1 /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffwork_area/admin1/.
We would like to have the export directory per institution, e.g. /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffworkarea/institution1/ or /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffworkarea/institution2/. The creation of subdirectories for users is fine as it is and we would like to keep that behaviour.
Also, we would like to set the path for a parameter staffworkarea in the general settings with arbitrary directory depth so that it would not be necessarily /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffworkarea/ but could be set for instance to /tmp/ourspecialexportdirectory/.

The full functionality was delivered as part of 5.5. The institution Code where work is being done will be appended to staff_work_area:
{operational_shared}/staff_work_area/{userID}/... --> {operational_shared}/staff_work_area/{code}/{userID}/...
hbz teamrosetta commented
Dear Artur,
we use Rosetta 5.3 and it seems to be possible to use an arbitrary directory for the export.
I just tried a directory on a server with the role DEP/DEL (multi tier topology with several virtual servers) and it worked.@Ex Libris:
If my observation is correct and this functionality is part of 5.3 please mark this request as fulfilled so that the 24 votes can be cast somewhere else. Thank you