Enforce file download in Rosetta Delivery
As a researcher, I want to be able to always download a data file delivered to me in the web browser, regardless of its format. But to date, there is no such option in Rosetta.
The choice of specialized viewers is limited. A vast majority of formats will be handled by the “File Viewer” that leaves it up to the browser how to deal with a file – open it directly in the browser window or offer it for download. For some formats, it is possible to define a download or “save file” option in the browser settings. For the great majority of formats, such an option doesn’t exist.
A use case that often occurs in the context of research data is the txt format. This will always be displayed in the browser window, making it impossible for the user to download it in unaltered form. Selecting the text in the browser window and copying it into a txt file will not do, because special encodings or tab delimiters can get lost in this process.
We therefore need to enable users to download files in all file formats instead of displaying them in the browser window, no matter what browser is being used. Ideally, a multi-file selection from the IE viewer should be possible. This could be a download functionality in the IE viewer or something like a universal “viewer” (or rather download) plugin. This is especially important for research data that often comes in txt format or in other formats that otherwise might be displayed only as a jumble of characters. Researchers are used to downloading files rather than viewing them immediately, because they have to deal with a great variety of formats and often need special programs in order to view or edit a file.

This feature was included as part of Rosetta v6.1
Thank you,
dave allen commented
submitted to the community as part of the DIWG 2018 enhancement request -- results are as follows
High => 46.7%
Med => 33.3%
Low => 0.0%
N/A => 13.3%
Intersted => 6.7%based on above did make it to the top 2 requests and has been submitted to Ex Libris as an enhancement request
Hi Franziska,
As of 5.4, the IE and REP viewers support a configurable "download all" function. Please let me know if and which gaps exist beyond this functionality.
Thank you,
Daniel -
Kris Dekeyser commented
I support this and I want to add that regardless of the viewer used, the original file should be downloaded. This is not the case for the TIFF files for instance.