Person Entity – Option to hide or suppress the Person Page and Person Info Card at the individual level
We propose adding the option to allow institutions to hide or suppress the Person Page and Person Info Card at the individual level.
We've received complaints that some person entities display incorrect information on their pages. As updating information directly at the data source (Library of Congress, Wikidata, or Wikipedia) is neither sustainable nor predictable in terms of when data changes will be reflected, we propose providing an option for institutions to exclude specific person entities from being displayed in Primo.
1. Updating Wikidata and other data sources entries directly is not a sustainable solution and is not predictable in terms of when data changes will be reflected.
2. It takes several weeks before updated data is reflected in Primo VE.
3. Reliability of Wikidata where everyone can update it.
4. Relying on complaints is not the right approach and can/will lead to reputational damage to the institution.
5. Manual workarounds can lead to technical debt.