Allow Customization of Link Prioritization in the Merged Record to prioritize OA
Currently, when there is a merged record with multiple links, the links are prioritized according to a fixed set of prioritization rules ( In general, the rules prioritize links to paid content over links to unrestricted (OA) content. For example, if all records in a merged group are coming from collections using link in record, Link in Record links for subscribed content are prioritized over OA links. As another example, if some records in a merged group use the link resolver, and some use link in record, link resolver links for subscribed content are prioritized over the OA link in record link. However, some libraries would like to prioritize unrestricted links over restricted links (for example, in order to support Open Access and provide the alumni and the public with unrestricted access to resources). This idea proposes that libraries should be able to customize whether or not to prioritize OA link in record links in the merged record.

Rebecca Culbertson commented
SCP is neutral on this customization proposal since we are not a "campus." Each campus will make their own decisions as to the order of 856 links.