Make ILL requests a Send To action in Primo records
Add ILL Request to the cluster of Send to actions in the Primo record full display. This would send the citation to the institution's ILL form so a user could place a request for an item. This feature would give institutions the option of providing ILL services as a constant in records instead of being facilitated through services tweaked through a series of display logic rules which don't always produce desired results. For example, sometimes CDI records match to print serial holdings that don't actually contain the article. Sometimes the online source is missing the item or malfunctioning. With the ILL in the Send To, a user could submit the request for the article they need instead of tracking down the ILL form to submit it manually. This feature could be useful in alerting libraries to barriers in accessing items that show as available. The advantage of the function in the Send To is consistency and keeping it out of the services menu which may not be a noticeable or logical place for making ILL requests.