Flexible Permanent URL for Retrieving New Books in Primo
I'm interested in having a permanent URL that retrieves new books added to the library in the last two months through Primo. I would appreciate it if you could create a way to build a URL that allows to retrieve new books added to the library with a flexible date range (such as last 2 months, last 5 months, etc.). Thank you

Kevin Moffat commented
Here's what we use for the last 30 days - just change the "30" days for different timeframes. https://natlib-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/search?query=any,contains,%22*%22&tab=catalogue&sortby=date&vid=NLNZ&facet=newrecords,include,30%20days%20back&mfacet=rtype,include,books,1&mfacet=tlevel,include,available,2&lang=en_US&offset=0