Additional Function:Excludes unnecessary resource types in Specialized Search Scopes for CDI
When configuring "Specialized Search Scopes for CDI"
in Primo VE, currently only 5 CDI resource types can be selected, so we want to change the system that unnecessary resource types can be excluded.
Regarding "Exclude eBooks from CDI Results - Phase 2 (NERS #6702)", In Phase 1, all books were excluded from search, but after Phase 2, some books remain in the search results.
To exclude books for this reasons,we would like to set the "Specialized Search Scopes for CDI" with limited number of CDI resource types.
But the maximum number of resource types that can be selected is too few, so we would like the system to be changed so that unnecessary resource types can be excluded.
This function allows scopes to be more limited to specific resource types.

Nakazato commented
I completely agree with this idea.
It would be beneficial to users if material types could be excluded.