DEDUP/FRBR data in Primo VE analytics
DEDUP/FRBR data in Primo VE analytics isn't available. It is available in standard Primo.
This would be useful for identifying issues around records that aren't matching.
Apparently Primo PNX records and pipes subject area are not available for Primo VE customers as yet.

Hello All,
This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 30 votes.
This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.
We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Primo.
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Primo Product Team
Julio M. commented
ExLibris should allow to reopen this idea seeing the amount of votes achieved. It is a pity that we know about inconsistencies in the Dedup and FRBR processes only when we come across them in catalog searches or from incidences reported by users.
cek commented
it would also help in our acquisitions process as we purchase items based on titles on reading lists, our RL system only holds 1 MMS ID, so we need a way to also identify deduped records, e.g. find the matching electronic record MMS ID for a print record MMS ID. Being able to report on dedup/frbr data would make life a lot easier as staff wouldn't need to then manually check for matching records in Alma.