Network Zone suppress dedup/frbr should have a library/location tree
The Network Zone should have the ability to suppres dedup/frbr at the library>location which exists when suppressing dedup/frbr for IZ only bib records from displaying in Primo VE.
IZ only bib records suppress dedup/frbr allows a library to suppress on the permanent physical location in a library. New records added to the location automatically suppress dedup/frbr in Primo VE once this has been configured.
For NZ linked records using the Network Zone, suppressing dedup/frbr for an library/location in the network means multiple steps and constant updating are required from an institution and Network Zone. A local extension needs to be added from the Institution’s Alma instance, which means creating a normalization rule. Then, an indication rule needs to be created in order to run it against a set to identify records that fail to get the local extensions added during the normalization job. The file of records that have the local extension need to be sent to the NZ to have the "Prevent FRBR and or/Dedup in Discovery" job run on the file.
The Institution will need to add the local extension each time an NZ record is added to the Library>location where dedup/frbr are suppressed. A compiled file of these new NZ records for this library>location will need to be regularly sent to the NZ where the "Prevent FRBR and or/Dedup in Discovery" job needs to be run in order to keep the suppress dedup/frbr process up to date.
There should be a tree of the Institution>Library>Locations that can be selected in the NZ configuration that allows new NZ linked records for the Institution>Library>Location to be suppressed automatically without all this human intervention to keep suppress dedup/frbr up-to-date