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9 results found

  1. Allow same-day booking with "days" booking resolution.

    We are testing the use of "days" booking resolution, as opposed to minutes. We notice that when patrons try to place a same-day request, they get the error: "Date must be in the future." This probably makes sense for some institutions, especially without a "lead-time" setting to provide buffer time. However, we have a collection of AV equipment that students can book same-day.

    This already works fine when staff make a same-day booking request in Alma using "day" resolution; the error only occurs when patrons try to do the same in Primo. I'm not sure if the necessary change would…

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  2. Include past digitization request information in borrower request tab

    In the Manage Patron Services area, you can see current and past loans, current and past returns, but once a digitization request has been processed, it is no longer viewable from the borrower record.
    Being able to see past digitization requests from each patron would help immensely with being able to identify when a patron has already received material from a certain resource. Being able to see previous request details in a list (including title, author, barcode, pages already provided) will help identify if providing additional requests from the same title may exceed the allowable copyright limit for material from…

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  3. Cancellation notices should be sent to requesting staff via email when a temporary move or work order request is cancelled.

    Currently, if a temporary move request or work order request is cancelled for any reason, the staff member who initiated the request does not receive a cancellation notice. The user who cancels the request will see the option to notify the requester, but this is extremely misleading because the notification doesn't go anywhere and isn't viewable in the record of a cancelled item. Example: a reserves staff member places a temporary move request for course reserve on an item in another location. The staff member at the other location cannot find the item, and cancels the request with a reason…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    Alma now sends cancelation notices to requesting staff via email when a move or work order request is canceled. Cancelling any non-patron request (such as work orders or move requests) with the ‘Notify User’ checkbox enabled will send the cancelation letter to the request creator, such as the operator who placed it.
    For more information please see Alma June Release Notes

  4. Convert to Resource Sharing Request - Needs to be able to work even if an item is in transit to the request.

    Currently we have set up a Scan and Send process. However, dependant on how many staff we have able to digitize items on a given day. We will convert some requests to Resource Sharing. However, it is not possible to do this if an item is already in transit to the request.

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  5. Deleting requests older then a certain date

    Would it be possible to have a way of deleting physical item requests older then a certain date? Now it's only possible to delete all requests on a title, but that's not very useful.

    Highly requested titles on a courses reading list is often not relevant after a certain date, when the course has ended. We sometimes see that old requests, that we haven't been able to fulfill, are causing unnecessary delay in fulfilling requests that are still relevant for the new, active course.

    When we had to close the library in spring 2020, we also could see that a…

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  6. Allow users to enter an address for home delivery

    Users should be able to enter an alternate address when requesting home delivery as most students put in a parent address when they enroll and then never update the info again. If students do want to update their address, they need to go into the campus system and wait another day for it to be loaded to Alma. At our institution, faculty and staff never have personal addresses loaded into Alma. In addition, that address entered at time of request should be pushed to the personal delivery notification letter.

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  7. Pop-up message when scanning in an item with a request note

    We refer to the Alma March release notes: Pop-up Messages in the Scan In Interface. Various pop-up messages can be configured in Alma configuration – Fulfillment – Physical fulfillment - Scan In Messages Configuration. It would also be very useful to be able to configure a pop-up when the borrower has filled in the comment field on a request in Primo/Oria, e.g. that they want the book sent to another library. This is otherwise easily overlooked.

    The request comment enters Alma as a Request note, and is visible in the Pickup from shelf list. But we would also like a…

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  8. Add functionality to better manage queue for reserves/holds

    More academic libraries are checking out high-traffic electronic items (laptops, Wi-Fi hotspots, etc.) and often have a long list of patrons with holds on these items. It would be useful if we could manage the queue for user holds/reserves more effectively. We should be able to renumber/reposition users in the queue (presently you may only bump someone up to the very top of the queue or profile a priority if users are from different user groups). We should also be able to manage the queue without having the item available; presently that is not possible. We often have 12+ users…

    297 votes

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  9. Patron physical item request – automatic cancellation of requests when ‘Date Needed By’ has passed:

    I suggest that if the "not needed by " date is reached then the patron request is cancelled.

    The only function of “date not needed by” for patron physical item requests is to prevent items from being put into transit from other locations if the transit cannot be completed by the required date.

    However this is not clear to patrons and users ask us why we send Hold available notices when they already indicated a date when they would no longer need the item.

    Staff also waste time locating items that Patrons have indicated are no longer needed, only to…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The “Date needed by” field (also known as “Not Needed After”), which can be populated by the patron, was taken into account only in the “pick from shelf” workflow step, cancelling the request when the date was in the past without sending a cancel notification (since the patrons indicated that they are no longer interested).

    Following this development, this behavior will be applied in other workflow steps in the request lifecycle:

    Queued requests that are not yet active but are past their date needed by will now be canceled by the “Request – handle last expiration date” (to avoid recalling items to fulfill requests that are no longer relevant).
    When an item is scanned in, if the “date needed by” of the request had passed, the request will be canceled.
    When an item is placed on the hold shelf, if the date needed by is earlier than the regular hold…

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