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48 results found

  1. DKIM for institutional domain

    Allowing DKIM creation for institutional domains. Currently, ExL cannot generate DKIM keys for those institutional domains and allowing us that option will better serve our patrons.

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  2. Alma Video Tutorials

    When any updates in Alma are implemented, I would like to see the video tutorials updated to reflect those changes. The video tutorials are extremely helpful in training new and existing staff or users. However, some of the information in the current video tutorials do not necessarily reflect new changes, updates, functions, modifications, locations (of the tabs), some of which have been relocated.

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  3. Add a loan time parameter in XSL similar to new_due_date_str

    I was following the tutorial labeled "Letters - displaying the due date hour and a time zone related message in the fulfillment courtesy notice" located here: i was using the newduedate_str option for a lost loan letter and it worked for the due date but not for adding a time to the loan date. I discovered there isn't a way to add the time the item was loaned out like you can with the due date. This is sometimes useful information for patrons when they are trying to track down an item they have lost.

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  4. Make the Manage Sets table sortable

    Most institutions make heavy use of Sets functionality, but there are basic UI improvements that would save time and effort. One would be to make the "Manage Sets" table sortable by the column headings that are not currently sortable:
    Content Type
    Created By
    Creation Date

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  5. Make documentation more gender inclusive

    Can we please increase inclusivity by changing to gender-non-specific language in both documentation and descriptions in coding tables?

    The Primo and Alma documentation uses very gendered terms, particularly his / him. End users and library staff are mostly referred to as he / his / him, despite libraries being an overwhelmingly female workforce. We also need to recognise the increasing numbers of non-binary users within our institution.

    I propose the following changes:
    Him or her -> them
    His or hers -> theirs
    She or he -> they

    As one example, a search on Alma documentation shows 3324 results for he,…

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  6. Ensure sample xml is available at the same time new Alma letters are released

    When new Alma letters are released it would be super helpful if:

    • The sample xml file is added to the zip file here  to coincide with the Sandbox release

    • Release notes include a link to the post on the developers network

    Even better would be if the sample could be downloaded from within Alma letters configuration

    LettersDefault.xml which is currently downloadable in Alma is a generic xml which cannot be used for customisation. Some letters require a scheduled job to be run (these are disabled on Sandbox by default) making it inconvenient to generate a letter…

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  7. comment/note field for configurations

    A comment or note field for configurations would be incredibly helpful in general, but the current pandemic has highlighted the need for a way to easily track the reasons behind changes. This would keep the notes in the places where they'd be seen by the people working on the configurations, rather than us having to track things in a separate place.

    All of the fulfillment configuration menu would benefit from this ability when short-term or emergency changes are being made. But it would also be good in places like: Letters; DARA recommendations; and all Other Settings areas. These are places…

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  8. Swedish Characters (Case nr 00794172 Swedish Film Institute)

    Apparently, since Alma and Primo are indexed differently, if you have chosen Scandinavian characters during implementation, Alma cannot handle searches on, for example, French accents. Works in Primo, but not Alma.
    Obviously, for us Scandinavian customers this is problematic. There is a risk that both staff and patrons end up with faulty search results.
    Andrew Christison, Customer Success Manager, promised to look into this on our behalf but also suggested we make an Idea Exchange for this issue.

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  9. Improved facets in Alma - Include/Exclude plus the ability to select multiple facets

    After searching in Alma, it would be great if we have the ability to further refine searching with facets that allow for the selection of multiple selections, as well as offering the ability to exclude or includes. For example, when searching a POL now, my facets for Status include In Review, Waiting for Renewal, Waiting for Manual Renewal, etc. I would like to either exclude two facets, or include 5 facets, but now I have to select one facet, review, then clear that facet and select the next one.

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    Hi All,

    As previously stated by Lili, this functionality was already developed and exists in few pages in Alma (like Manage Sets, POL, Resource Sharing, and soon in search pages of All Titles, Electronic Titles, Physical Titles, Digital Titles, and more). Gradually, additional pages will move to the New UI, and will support the exclude facets functionality.


    The Alma Team

  10. Add "Updated By" and "Last Updated" columns to the list of letters in the Letters Configuration screen

    On behalf of the Product management team we would like to better understand the need and use cases of the following 'Planned' feature (which need was raised by a specific library) - any comment is welcome.

    Ex Libris plans to add "Updated By" and "Last Updated" columns to the list of letters in the Letters Configuration screen, which will indicate if any part of the configuration was changed (labels, template)

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The columns “Updated By” and “Last Updated” were added to the Letters Configuration page. This helps you troubleshoot issues with letter customization and know which staff user last updated the configuration.

    For more information please see Alma December Release Notes

  11. Allow work order names to be translated

    The name field of work orders displays in PVE (for example "In Process of Repair until..." for a work order named 'Repair'). However it's currently not possible to provide a translation for these labels, which is problematic in multilingual contexts.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    Alma enhanced its capabilities to define language variants for the names of Work-Order-Types. The enhancements include:

    • An added language (globe) icon for the Work-Order-Type field.
    • Based on the current language of the staff or patron, the relevant value is displayed.

    For more information please see Alma May Release Notes

  12. Option to disable confirmation messages (not of deletion actions)

    That will be great if there will be an option to disable the confirmation messages when performing actions that are not of deletion (see attached image).

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The confirmation message “The description may need to be updated as well (using the generate button)” was improved to only show when relevant fields were changed and the description was not generated or updated manually. Customers who never require a reminder for updating the description are able to disable it completely.

    For more information please see Alma May Release Notes

  13. Letters Configuration page should be sortable and searchable

    I like the new Letters Configuration and Components Configuration pages; they've simplified the letter customization work I am doing for our two libraries.

    However, the Letters Configuration page is a bit too unwieldy... requiring a lot of paging and scrolling to find a specific letter.

    Please consider making this page sortable by clicking the column headers, and if it's not too difficult, maybe even searchable?

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  14. 0060

    Please change the permission of .xml in tar.gz published from Alma from mode 0060 to 0664 or 0644. This allows Unix users to access extracted xml immediately without changing the permission on the filesystem level.

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  15. Upgrade internal XSLT processor

    Copied from

    Currently ALMA seems to accept only XSLT 1.0 syntax for XSLT custom letter configuration files. This means we are deprived of the many goodies of XSLT 2.0 and 3.0:

    • strong typing and XSD types
    • XPATH 2.0 sequences
    • XSL functions
    • range variables
    • regular expression matching and grouping
    • URL encoding and decoding
    • better value comparison

    EXSLT 1.0 is not supported either, so whenever I try to do something more intelligent that some simple markup and string replacing, I hit the limits of XSLT 1.0. Trying to make decisions in your XSLT based on element values without regular expressions is…

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  16. Add translation for Campus

    We’d like to add translation for campus names.

    Currently, we cannot set the translation for campus names as there is no “Translate information icon” in Alma Configuration > General > Libraries > Define Campuses menu.

    Not-translated campus names appear not only in Alma but also in Primo VE. In the pickup locations list in the Primo VE Get It Request Form, campus names are displayed in English even if you choose interface language other than English.

    For multilingual Primo VE sites, it is a must to translate all the patron-facing labels.

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  17. Link to Sandbox using alternate login methods

    The "Premium Sandbox" link in the (?) menu links to the Alma auth method login screen. However our library uses SAML login almost exclusively which is at a different URL, so this link is worse than useless as it confuses staff.

    To solve this we'd like either:

    1) let libraries configure this link (eg using a code table)


    2) have the link go to an intermediary page that lists all the auth options available to the library.

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  18. Allow for "open in a new tab"

    We should be able to have more than one page in Alma open in different tabs. Now, when I click "open in a new tab" the page that opens is the Alma homepage. This makes many of my workflows difficult.

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    Dear Community,

    I'm happy to inform you that the new capability of parallel work in multiple tabs in internet-browser was released in May 2024 Release. See Release Note publication - "Support Parallel Work in Multiple Tabs in Internet-Browser":

    You can find more information on it in our documentation:


    Uri Beladev

    Library Platform, Product Manager

  19. Sandbox Widget on Dashboard

    At one point we had an option to access the Alma Sandbox from the dashboard in our production environment. However, this Sandbox widget was removed when the "New Premium Sandbox Policy" was introduced.

    Any possibility of reintroducing an updated form of this widget for non-premium Sandbox users?

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    A new capability was added In the January 2020 release: For customers who do not have an Alma premium sandbox, the Standard Sandbox link has been added to the Help Menu to allow them to access their sandboxes from Alma.

  20. Adding a banner to the Alma/Primo page during scheduled maintenance

    During the scheduled maintenance both Alma and Primo VE sites do not have a maintenance page alerting the users that the websites is under going system maintenance. It will be really helpful for the patrons and users to know that the sites are undergoing maintenance instead of the sites not loading at all. Please consider this implementation

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