
  1. Manual Deleting of User (Patron) records and need for consistency in maintaining reportable data

  2. Attendance - Update student check-in history with subsequent staff check-in data  ·  Already Supported

  3. Be able to fully preview a letter that has never been sent using live sample patron data  ·  Closed

  4. Ability for ProQuest books to pull and analyse Leganto reading list data with customer permission to check for ebook availability  ·  Already Supported

  5. The search should allow for changing each search criteria between And/OR, and allow for more free text fields (all as 'OR' queries).

  6. Improved Support of multilingual elements for external data sources in Primo VE  ·  Closed

  7. Aleph patron setting - "force change password at the first login" in Primo (Privacy and security of personal data)  ·  Closed

  8. add in a optional conditional facet upon selecting Open Access - showing version options using unpaywall data

  9. When there are multiple entries in same field, allow Alma analytics to export data meets certain criteria  ·  Closed

  10. Utilize data from multiple fields (LDR and fixed fields 006,007,008) in Primo VE resource type configuration  ·  Completed

  11. Enable link from Invoice line to live Purchase Order Line so that data can be updated

  12. Add External ID as customize option to "Pick From Shelf" data for display

  13. Provide a seamless, timely and automatic workflow for ingesting Jisc KB+ data into the Alma Community Zone.  ·  Completed

  14. Add Linked Data functionality for DOIs in records to find and present related content

  15. Add ability to abort jobs when they are for information only, such as when exporting data or running overlap analysis

  16. Ability to publish data from different tags in the holdings record into a single tag per holdings record  ·  Closed

  17. Make the "Has Content" indicator responsive not just to tables and lists, but also to fields and drop-down options  ·  Closed

  18. Corollary suggestion to "Copy POL data to new POL with different order line type"

  19. XML Expansion for "Ful Resource Request Slip Letter" with Data about Reshelving Status and about Expected Date when Item will be Reshelved

  20. Allow data from the POL notes to inform/be inherited by the portfolio notes.  ·  Closed

1 2 8 10 12 52 53

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