Electronic holdings should take priority over physical holdings
Currently, the format is not a parameter of the algorithm used to select the most appropriate partner. Electronic holdings should take priority over physical holdings: this would avoid institutions to digitize print materials (operations that take time and human resources) while others may have an electronic version that can more easily and quickly be provided.
If Partner A has an electronic access and Partner B has a physical holding (and things like time zones being equal), Partner A should receive the lending request in priority.

Hello, this is on our roadmap for 2024, thanks!
Anonymous commented
We're trying to identify more electronic licensed materials to cut down on scanning at our remote storage facility where most of our collection is now located. They have a hard time keeping up with lending scanning and Doc Del, so changing the priority to electronic over physical would help them keep up, as well as get article to patrons faster, with better quality, especially for graphics, and most likely already OCR'd.