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247 results found

  1. Make your buttons work

    It would be really nice if your importing function actually worked instead of have buttons that do nothing. I have tried to import from a .ris file in every possible why and there is no result. Also, your "Email Us" button doesn't do anything. Also, you create folder button didn't work until the third time, at which point it created 3 folders. This is a software used by universities around the globe and you have these types of issues. Please do better.

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  2. Make RefWorks Citation Manager available offline

    I would like RefWorks Citation Manager in Word to be available when working offline, just as Write-n-Cite is.

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    Thank you for your valuable feedback. Microsoft Office add-ins are web-based. These are always hosted on the provider's web server and are not cached for offline use. The system used by add-ins requires a connection to the provider's web server which verifies the user's license. Add-in manifests are not available for local download and installation.

  3. Make it possible to restrict users' email address update by admin.

    Administrators of some institutions want the users not to update their email addresses by themselves.

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    Thank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.

  4. I would like to suggest that an upgrade be written so RefWorks can interface with Scrivener.

    It would be very handy to be able to import citations into the Scrivener writing system, as opposed to just having access to Word, etc.

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    Thank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.

  5. Customize sidebar menu width

    Is there a way to expand the width of the sidebar menu to accommodate for longer folder names? That way, we'd be able to quickly read the entire folder name without having to hover over the number of results.

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    As we are working on optimizing site responsiveness, we implemented Improved Folder Names Recognition and Quick View of Sharing Settings. See release notes for more information:

  6. Add WorldCat catalogues to Search Databases in RefWorks New

    Our library uses a WorldCat catalogue. We would like our catalogue to be added to "Search Databases" in RefWorks New to enable searching our institutions catalogue from within RefWorks. This is not possible at the moment because RefWork needs Z39.50 and WorldCat uses SRU. So we would like SRU to be added to RefWorks or the possibility to use the WorldCat Search API.
    [case 00615984]

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  7. Be able to set sharing options on sub-folders like you do on folders

    Add sharing function for individual & group for sub-folders. It would be useful to be able to set sharing options on a sub folder without the parent folder having to be shared out as well.

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    Thank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.

  8. online news webpage not taken as per Harvard style

    while importing references from online new websites, refworks do capture the references but does not cite the bibliography as per harvard style for webpages accessed online.

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  9. Integrate with Primo

    Provide a easy way for the user to search for relevant resources in his library discovery tool from inside RefWorks.
    For customers that use Primo as their library discovery,

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    Closed  ·  0 comments  ·  User Interface  ·  Admin →
  10. Search should default to folder you are working in

    If you are currently in a folder, perhaps the search function should default to searching the folder you are in, with an option to search your entire database of references.

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    Closed  ·  1 comment  ·  User Interface  ·  Admin →
  11. Allow admins to delete deactivated accounts.

    We can deactivate accounts as admin, but we are unable to delete them. Admins should be able to delete accounts.

    I work in an institution that will reuse email addresses once a student leaves; this creates problems re: deactivated accounts in RefWorks. I would like to be able to delete accounts.

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  12. Write-n-cite integration for chromebook

    Have better integration of refworks with chromebook especially with MS Word /Google Docs standalone apps.

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  13. Copy and Paste references

    It would be great if Refworks can allow copy and paste of other references to their platform so they can choose the type of style they prefer rather than only export, import and create a new ideology. Paste a reference in a box where it tells you what style it is, and which one do you prefer. Then, make your choice if APA, HAVARD whatsoever.

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    Thank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.

  14. Enable analytics to refine display of usage stats by IP range or email domain

    We would like to be able to access usage stats for partner institutions to whom we offer access to RefWorks via our account. This access has been set up using IP address ranges and email domains.

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    We've carefully considered your feedback and have decided not to include this feature as it is not aligned with privacy and product development direction. 

  15. Problem with deleting records

    I'm trying to delete some items from RW but can't do so. The delete option is greyed out.
    In other cases it's not.
    Have not heard back with a solution to this yet.

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    1 comment  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  16. Duplicate or copy a project

    It would be great to be able to duplicate or make a copy of a project. That way, if you share it or make any changes, you can make a copy for sharing or editing and save the original project, which includes not just the records, but the folder structure, in case you make mistakes or need to go back to the original. Exporting the citations does not save the folder structure or save all the changes you've made specifically in RefWorks to a citation.

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    User may now duplicate, or copy, a Project by copying Folders in existing Project to a new Project:

  17. New feature to link references

    It will be very useful (at leas to me) to add a new feature that will allow to set a link between references, i.e.

    • is cited by
    • is review of
    • Is a rejoinder of
    • etc.

    And the posibility to use that feature while building bibiographies to inser while citing a book where is reviewed, who has cited it,etc.

    A search engine to follow that tree and navigate thru it would be useful too.

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    Thank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.

  18. [New RefWorks] 나만의 출력스타일(Citation style) 공유하기 기능 추가해주세요 - Request for my custom citation styles share feature

    Legacy 기존버전에서는 출력스타일/인용스타일을 백업 기능을 이용해서 다른 이용자와 공유할 수 있었습니다. 그런데 New RefWorks에서는 그 기능이 없어 불편합니다. 이용자끼리 '나만의 출력스타일'을 공유할 수 있도록 기능 추가해주세요.

    The users can share the custom citation style by using back-up and restore function in Legacy, but New RefWorks is not. It was very useful feature. I want to share my custom style with my colleague not publish to the institutional style in public.

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    2 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →

    Thank you for your valuable feedback. It is possible to share your custom styles today by contacting RefWorks Tech Support.

    We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.

  19. Ignore punctuation in bibliography

    The ordering of titles surrounded by inverted commas is separate to those titles that do not have inverted commas, in a bibliography.
    Is it possible to ignore the inverted commas so that all titles are listed alphabetically, regardless of punctuation?

    I have tried ediing the 'title' field in the Bibliography settings but I don't see any option to ignore punctuation here.

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  20. Capture PMID from CINAHL records upon import

    EBSCO has isolated the PMID in as a piece of data in their CINAHL records; however, this doesn’t appear to be captured in an import into RefWorks. Please capture this item when available in CINAHL records.

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