Add open access journal Uniting Church Studies (ISSN 1323-6377) by United Theological College, North Parramatta, NSW
As of December 2, 2024, this former print journal has become an open access online publication.
Title Uniting Church Studies
ISSN 1223-6377
"Founded in 1995, Uniting Church Studies (ISSN: 1323-6377) is a peer-reviewed journal focused on the theology, history, ministry and witness of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Published by United Theological College, North Parramatta, NSW, it appears twice yearly: June and December.
The journal includes research articles, reflections and provocations, book forums and reviews. Authors include both academics and practitioners, who together cover a wider range of methodologies: doctrinal, exegetical, inter-cultural, sociological and post-colonial. This diversity produces informed reflection on both fundamental theological and ecclesial interest alongside a wide range of topics at the intersection of the church and contemporary society. These include multi-culturalism, church-state relationships, economics, and the legacies of colonialism. The journal is also a forum for articles from and about other united and uniting Churches."
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Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager