Add CDI metadata to CZ records for Mintel collections
Community zone collections from Mintel are odd. All have CZ records, but only a few have corresponding CDI records. The CDI records duplicate the CZ records but with better metadata. An example is "Mintel Beauty and Personal Care: China" (ID: 613860000000000186; DBID:ACFGR) The CDI records are labeled "market research" and have a full description. The CZ records only contain a title. Mintel recently released Shibboleth functionality (and the CZ collections were updated accordingly), so I need to use the CZ records so the linking works. The CDI records are all "link in record," which only works with a proxy. So, I'm left with bad option #1: Use poor records but gain Shibboleth functionality or bad option #2: Use better records but stick with the proxy. The proxy works for now, but that could change. The solution is to just put the CDI metadata on the CZ records. Thanks for considering!

The metadata Mintel provides is more suitable for CDI only, and although in previous years we have created collections with titles in the Kowledgebases, going forward we will only have the metadata presented in CDI.
Please let me know which collections do not have metadata in CDI either in a comment to this idea, or directly to me
Regarding the authentication issue, I will consult with our support analysts on the best way to address this challenge.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Jacqueline Carrell commented
Commenting here for posterity that I did email Tamar the list. Thanks again!