New database request: Universal Database of Crimean Publications (UDB-CRIM)
The provider East View Information Services has announced the creation of a new database named the Universal Database of Crimean Publications (UDB-CRIM) that is made up of 5 titles formerly included in the Universal Database of Ukrainian Publications (UDB-UKR).
The announcement with all the pertinent details is attached.
The collection has been added:
Universal Database of Crimean Publications, Collection ID: 61472359610000041
Kind regards,
Electronic Information commented
Dear Tamar,
Krymskaia Pravda, Krymskie Izvestiia, Slava Sevastopolia, Krymskii Kontekst, Zapiski Obshchestva Geoekologov are no longer listed in the Knowldgebase under Universal Database of Ukrainian Publications (VUP) and the addition of database Universal Database of Crimean Publications has not been completed.
Could you please tell me when you will add our subscribed titles back into the Knowledgbase? We've paid for access, and we'd like to be able to use these titles. Please advise.
Debbra Peres
University of Kansas Libraries