Classiques Sciences Sociales Free
Classiques Sciences Sociales Free collection is composed of more than 4,300 portfolios. Most of the records are very poor: only the title, one author, and the eISBN. The publication date in 008/7-10 is usually incorrect.
Full Marc records exist for these items and are available under certain conditions (for libraries) at
Note also that Les Classiques des sciences sociales actually contain more than 6,500 free works . A general update of this collection would be welcome.

We have not made additional progress with this provider and are therefore closing this request for the time being.
Thank you,
François Renaville commented
Dear Rael,
I'm sorry to read you have not received any response yet. When I started to download the Classiques Sciences Sociales records into Aleph from 2008, I was in contact with:
Jean-Marie_Tremblay @
Mathieu_Perron @
Please keep me informed if you are not successful with the two addresses either and I will see what I can do.Regards,
Hello all,
Unfortunately, we have not been successful in contacting this vendor.
Before closing this Idea, I would like to reach out to you to inquire if you have a contact person that we could reach out to once again, in the hopes of promoting this Idea.Please kindly comment here or feel free to send me contact details directly.
Thank you,
Rael -
Frederick Vanhoorne commented
Great idea !