add patent information to Primo Central
At its core the Primo Central Index content is all about scientific publications. But since the integration of the ProQuest resources the resource type scope became much wider
Patents applications are published by the national patent offices and they are publicly available. For a science and technology audience it would be very beneficial to search patent publications and literature publications in one index. First choice would be the publications from patent offices. Second best would be data from commercial aggregators.

Hello all,
Our goal in providing content for our customers is to ensure that it is as optimally searchable and discoverable as possible.
The search requirements for patents are not the same as the standard academic search parameters and fields, nor are the display needs and usage methods.
In order to support these, an optimized Primo user interface would be required, as was developed for newspapers.
Therefore we believe that ingesting patent content at this time would not promote better discoverability or usage.
Such an Idea could be suggested on the Primo Idea Exchange Forum, and would need to be assessed accordingly.